Welcoming Rune Christensen as a Venture Partner

Haseeb Qureshi
Dragonfly Research
Published in
1 min readNov 15, 2021

As Dragonfly Capital continues to expand, we are delighted to bring on Rune Christensen as a venture partner. Rune is the founder of MakerDAO, the protocol behind the world’s largest decentralized stablecoin, and today the largest decentralized finance protocol today by TVL (almost $20B).

Rune hails from Copenhagen, and is an early believer in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. But after Mt. Gox collapsed in 2014, Rune became obsessed with the idea of building a decentralized stablecoin whose value would not get eroded by market volatility. In 2015, Christensen launched MakerDAO with the goal of creating a better, more transparent financial system. Maker is one of the first DAOs on the Ethereum blockchain, with over $18B in TVL today, and it was the first DeFi protocol to cross $1B in TVL.

Rune has been a pioneer pushing the boundaries of DeFi, DAO governance, and protocol security. We are honored to have him collaborating with us at Dragonfly, advancing the state of the decentralized economy and supporting our ecosystem of entrepreneurs. You can follow Rune on Twitter at RuneKek.

And if you’re an entrepreneur working on something great in crypto, we’d always love to hear from you: hello@dcp.capital.



Haseeb Qureshi
Dragonfly Research

Investor at Dragonfly Capital. Formerly Metastable, @Airbnb, @earndotcom. Writer. Effective Altruist. Former poker pro. One always finds one's burden again.