Q & A With Our Copywriter Dominykas Klajumas

Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2018

The creative force behind Dragonglass miner game, the architect of its storytelling and the man responsible for way too many office-inappropriate jokes is none other than our copywriter- ME! Today I tried to sit down with our CEO, Mert Lume for a chat because he told me so.

Dominykas Klajumas: Wazaaaaaa?!

Mart Lume: You’re fired. Before going to pick up your things, care to tell something about yourself to our readers?

DK: Ah, you know. Just a regular dark wizard of words here, blowing minds, creating worlds out of thin air.

ML: What attracted you to Dragonglass?

DK: The game, man. And by “game” I do not mean the socio-economic struggle for survival all of us participate in, no, I’m talking about Dragonglass miner game. When I heard the idea, I was like, yeah, I could make this project great. [Starts laughing] Ok ok, I’ll stop. Being a hardcore gamer my whole life — and I do not say this lightly — I was destined to find the project fascinating. As far as games have come since Atari 2600 days, I still felt that it is an underused technology. I liked that Dragonglass took games so seriously.

ML: That’s interesting, what do you mean by saying games are “underused”?

DK: Games should not be seen as a part of entertainment industrial complex. It’s not an entertainment platform at all, it’s a tool with many uses. Games can be used to learn new stuff, games can be used for dietary purposes and health improvement and games can be used to earn crypto coins — did you notice the smooth segue, Mart? — and that’s exactly what Dragonglass is all about.

ML: What about the crypto part of the equation? How does the world of crypto connect to gaming?

DK: Games have been using tokens since the dawn of gaming. What does Mario collect while head-stomping poor turtles? Might it be some kind of a coin? Collecting a token (or points, or leveling up) in-game is an essential part of the experience, it’s how you measure progress, it’s how the brain centers responsible for satisfaction light up. Using cryptocurrency in-game is a genius decision, but it’s also the most natural extension.

Being allowed to write the story for Dragonglass miner was a dream. Whether it’s telling jokes on stage or screenwriting — writing is what I do (and what I love to to) for a living. And playing games is what I do when I’m not doing the former. I fit perfectly into Dragonglass.

ML: Ok, Dominykas. You’re not fired. This. Just please throw out the skateboard.

P.S. If you’re Telegram user, click the image below and add our new and beautiful Dragonglass sticker set (props to our supertalented illustrator Nadia):

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