Dragon’s Crossing — The Basics

How to start playing the right way

Dragon’s Crossing
4 min readJun 3, 2023


Dragon’s Crossing is a browser-based, Role-Playing Game (RPG) that uses blockchain assets to bring you a gaming experience like no other. In here you will find a complex and immersive fantasy world for you to explore.

This full game launched on the Arbitrum One chain on May 31, 2023.

In this article you will learn the basics of the game so you can start playing the right way and avoid common mistakes.

How to start playing

First you need to own a Hero. Heroes are the game’s NFTs on the Arbitrum One chain. You can buy them here. They have different classes and rarities.

Then you can access the game. Go here and register your hero. You will sign a few transactions and then you’ll be able to start playing.

The basics of the game

You start off in Aedos. You’ll find the following tiles here:

  • Blacksmith: If you die, you can purchase lesser quality items here in exchange for quests.
  • Herbalist: You can heal here in exchange for quests. You have 2 options: heal 33% for 1 quest or heal 100% for 2 quests.
  • Adventuring Guild: You can do a couple of things here: summon rift heroes using summoning shards, allocate skill points, identify skill books, learn skills and level up.
  • Shared Stash: You can share items here between heroes in your wallet. It costs 2 quests to put an item in and 2 quests to take an item out.
  • Camp: You can transfer skill books and summoning shards from your inventory to your wallet here. This will protect these 2 valuable NFTs from death and will allow you to use or trade them. Keep in mind that camping will use up all your remaining quests and that you can camp after using all your quests.
  • Wild Praire: This is Zone 1, where you begin your journey. Click on the Adventure Quests tile to fight monsters and find other non-combat encounters.

In the bottom part of your screen you’ll find:

  • Health bar: how much HP your hero has left
  • Quests left: how many quests your hero has left
  • Character: your hero’s information such as level, exp, stats and skills
  • Inventory: your hero’s items and loadout
  • Adventuring Guild: check how many summoning shards, unidentified skills books and identified skill books you have in your wallet
  • Leaderboard: check your hero’s current ranking in the season and the top 10 heroes currently
  • Hero Select: go back to the hero selection screen
  • Settings: adjust things such as autoroll, music, voice and sound effects

Before you begin questing, make sure you do these things:

  • Equip your starter items. Every hero gets 4 items when they start the game, so go to your inventory and equip them.
  • Assign your skill points. Go to the Adventuring Guild and assign your first 12 skill points into your skills. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to use them in battle.

Important things to consider when playing:

  • Use your quests wisely. Every hero is limited to 15 quests per day and they refresh 23 hours after the hero starts playing each day.
  • There are 4 options during combat. You can attack, use skill, persuade or flee. Be careful when choosing your actions.
  • Use your skills wisely. They also have limited uses per day.
  • Dying has severe penalties. If you die, you lose all your remaining quests of the day and all of your items except 1 of your choosing.
  • Watch your experience. Leveling up is very important. Make sure to go to the Adventuring Guild to level up when your experience is maxed.

That’s all for this article. If you have any questions, leave a comment below.

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Dragon’s Crossing

Combining my love for gaming and web3 technology to explore the possibilities and potential of this exciting space.