Dragon’s Crossing — Town Hall 16 (Summary)

Hosted by founder Bloaterpunch.

Dragon’s Crossing
2 min readAug 5, 2023


Dragon’s Crossing is a browser-based, web3, Role-Playing Game (RPG) that launched on the Arbitrum One chain on May 31, 2023.

This is a FULL GAME at launch! Yes, you read it right.

This Town Hall was held in the Discord server. In this article you will find a summary of what was discussed during Town Hall 16:

  • New NFT is confirmed. Expect to receive the new Quest Refreshing NFT from monsters during Season 3.
  • Season 3 start date. Next season will start between August 5th and August 7th. The exact date hasn’t been determined yet because of some bug that are being squashed. Keep an eye on the announcements channel.
  • USDC prize claiming. The USDC prizes from Season 2 will be available to be claimed on August 5. If there is a tie between 2 heroes right where the prize brackets change, both players will receive the average of the prizes. (Example: if one prize is $30 and the other prize is $20, both players will get the average that is $25.)
  • How the 2 new zones will work. Zones 3 and 4 will have alternate paths that will have an additional risk/reward associated with them. During battles in these alternate paths, there is a 50% chance of getting double experience but if you end the battle below a certain threshold of hitpoints, you’ll be sent back to Aedos automatically after the fight. The threshold will be confirmed soon. Choose wisely!
  • Cocytus has been nerfed (or buffed?). Your hero will be sent back only if you roll 19–20. If you roll 1–18, you’ll earn +1 exp.
  • Rangers are getting some love. Some changes will be made to benefit rangers this season, so watch out!
  • Skills being tweaked. Some skills will be tweaked a bit for the purpose of balancing.
  • Tile-unlocking has been buffed. Now the maximum amount of quests you can spend before unlocking a new tile is 5 quests.
  • Smelter confirmed. You will now be able to turn in a certain amount of items in exchange for additional quests.
  • New Blacksmith in Zone 4. The Smelter will be accessible in the Blacksmith tile.

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Dragon’s Crossing

Combining my love for gaming and web3 technology to explore the possibilities and potential of this exciting space.