Dragon’s Crossing — Town Hall 4 (Summary)

Dragon’s Crossing
4 min readMar 31, 2023

Hosted by Granite, featuring founders Bloaterpunch, Samichpunch & Babypunch.

For those who didn’t watch Dragon Crossing’s Town Hall 4, here’s a quick summary:

  • Everyone that has a whitelist will have the chance to mint. There will be a total of 600 whitelist spots. A 24-hour window will be opened for whitelisted members to mint at a discount. The first 300 whitelisted members to mint will get that discount. The whitelisted members that couldn’t mint during this window will get the opportunity to mint without the discount in another window before the public mint. (8:47)
  • The reason for the oversubscribed mint it to make sure it mints out. If the whitelist phase doesn’t mint out, it won’t look good on the project. So the team is making sure this is not the case. (12:02)
  • You might be able to mint multiple genesis heroes in a single transaction during the public mint. The team is considering allowing 3–5 in a single transaction. (13:34)
  • The first 300 whitelisted members to mint will be able to do Regular or Boosted Mints, and both options will have the discount. The whitelisted members that mint after those first 300 won’t have the discount. (15:53)
  • There are many things to consider when playing the game. One of them is how to manage your quests, which are your actions. Another thing to consider is how you itemize, since the same items can have varying stats. You need to decide when to battle and when not to. You will have lore encounters where you discover more about the lore of the game. You can discover additional locations to quest. You can find daily quests and boss quests, which have unique loot. All of these are possibilities when adventuring in the game. (19:09)
  • There are 4 actions that you can take during combat: Attack, Skill, Flee and Persuade. (21:43)
  • Fleeing is dependent on your Quickness attribute. It is not a guaranteed action; the higher your Quickness, the higher the chance to flee. (22:08)
  • Skill Books are found by killing monsters. These items become NFTs when you Camp. After turning it into an NFT, you can decide to identify it. Then you can have a hero learn that ability, which burns the NFT in the process. (23:54)
  • There are more skills per hero class than skill slots. If your hero’s skill slots are full and you want to learn a new skill, you need to forget one of the learned skills. You will lose the old skill. (24:27)
  • You have a pool of Skill Points which you allocate into skills. More powerful skills require more skill points. You get a certain amount of Skill Points to use per day. Use them wisely! (25:31)
  • Skills are class specific. For example, if your Mage finds a Ranger skill, he/she can’t learn it. If you find a skill that you can’t use on the hero that found it, you can send it to another of your heroes that can use it or sell it in the marketplace. (26:58)
  • When you level up, you automatically gain points in your hero’s primary attribute and you get extra points to allocate how you want. For example, the main attribute of Mages is Wisdom. When a Mage levels up, it gets +1 Wisdom and extra points for you to allocate. (28:30)
  • The game won’t be fully decentralized early on. But over time the game will become more and more decentralized. (31:40)
  • Botting will be disincentivized. The emphasis of the team is on players participating in the ecosystem in an organic and meaningful way. It will also be very difficult to bot this game because of all the decision-making. (37:24)
  • No item will be stackable in the inventory. Including summoning shards and skill books. (39:32)
  • Hero Rarity will not give a combat advantage. Higher hero rarity will result in a higher chance to find NFT items. There will be more benefits in the future but they won’t give combat advantages. (41:18)
  • You can destroy items in your inventory. (46:52)
  • A feature will be added to allow extra items to be exchanged for quests. It will probably be called the Smelter. (46:56)
  • NFTs will be tradable at launch. You will be able to trade them in the most prominent marketplace of the chain where game launches. (47:37)
  • The game could undergo balance changes. The team is doing its best to launch as balanced as possible. (48:45)
  • You might have random encounters with very strong monsters. Fleeing will come in handy in these situations, but it’s not a guaranteed action. (50:24)

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Dragon’s Crossing

Combining my love for gaming and web3 technology to explore the possibilities and potential of this exciting space.