LIDO x Obol Simple DVT: DragonStake, alongside Deutsche Telekom and in the first batch of operators.

DragonStake | Blog
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Uncover the significance of LIDO x Obol Simple DVT in advancing blockchain’s decentralization and security, featuring the collaborative efforts of leading validators such as DragonStake. Learn how this innovative module is setting new standards for the staking landscape.

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Lido Finance’s adoption of the Obol Network’s Simple Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) is a game-changer for decentralized finance (DeFi), pushing us towards a future where staking is not only more secure and transparent but deeply decentralized. This pivotal integration marks a significant leap for Lido Finance, amplifying its commitment to decentralization and heralding a new era for staking protocols.

The Simple DVT Module (SDVTM), poised to join Lido’s protocol lineup in Q1’24, is set to rigorously test DVT implementations on the mainnet, offering a unique opportunity for both individual and collective stakers to operate validators. This move is not just technical but symbolic, broadening the Lido ecosystem and paving the way for a more inclusive, secure, and efficient network.

At the forefront of this innovation is DragonStake, joining forces with heavyweights like Deutsche Telekom and as part of the first Lido DVT operator clusters. This collaboration underscores DragonStake’s leadership and its ongoing commitment to enhancing blockchain’s security through non-custodial staking practices. Since its inception in 2017, DragonStake has been a proactive participant in the blockchain domain, advocating for network governance and contributing to technological advancement and security.

Lido’s shift towards distributed validator technology via the SDVTM represents a significant stride towards a more decentralized blockchain infrastructure. It diminishes centralized risks, fostering a resilient and trustworthy network. DragonStake’s role in this initiative not only highlights its expertise as a validator but signals a collective move towards embracing decentralization across the blockchain sphere.

This venture into Lido x Obol Simple DVT with DragonStake, alongside Deutsche Telekom and, marks a momentous step in the evolution of staking technology. It showcases the transformative potential of distributed validator technology in enhancing network security and fostering decentralization, reflecting a unanimous commitment to advancing the future of DeFi and blockchain.

Embracing the challenges and opportunities of Lido x Obol Simple DVT, DragonStake reiterates its dedication to a more secure, transparent, and decentralized blockchain ecosystem. As this venture unfolds, it’s clear that such collaborative efforts will significantly influence the development of staking protocols and the DeFi landscape, heralding a promising future for blockchain technology.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to high market risk. DragonStake is not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses as a result of the staking process. Always perform your due diligence before making financial decisions.

