Unlocking the Future of Staking with Lido’s Simple DVT Module and Super Clusters

DragonStake | Blog


Discover how Lido’s Simple DVT Module and Super Clusters are revolutionizing staking with enhanced security and decentralization, featuring DragonStake’s role as an Advanced Node Operator.

Imagine if your bank relied on a single computer for all its transactions. If that computer failed, everything would come to a halt. Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) addresses this issue in Ethereum by spreading the work of validating transactions across multiple nodes instead of just one. This makes the network more secure and reliable, much like having multiple backup systems to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Lido Finance, a leader in liquid staking, uses DVT to create a more resilient staking system. Their Simple DVT Module (SDVTM) groups node operators into clusters that work together to validate transactions. This approach enhances both security and decentralization.

Super Clusters take this idea a step further. They are made up of ‘Advanced Node Operators’ (ANOs) and members of the Lido Curated Node Operator set. Think of a Super Cluster as an elite team of validators that can handle up to 500 validators each. This means they can support a large number of transactions, making the network even stronger.

Forming a Super Cluster is like assembling a dream team. From 230 candidates, only the top 70 were chosen based on their performance and reliability. These operators proved their capabilities in testnets and on the mainnet, showing they can handle the demands of a live network. An additional 28 participants are on a backup list, ready to step in if needed.

Once onboarded, each Super Cluster starts with 50 validators. After a 14-day performance review, if they meet the standards, they can increase their capacity to 200 and eventually up to 500 validators. This step-by-step approach ensures only the most reliable operators handle more of the network’s load.

Expanding the Simple DVT Module is crucial for making the Lido network more resilient and secure. It allows more high-performance validators to join, ensuring the network can handle more transactions and is better protected against failures.

DragonStake is thrilled to be selected as one of the Advanced Node Operators in a Super Cluster for the Simple DVT Module. Our journey with DVT started over a year ago with the SSV network, and this new role allows us to continue contributing to Ethereum’s security and decentralization. We’re proud to be part of this innovative approach to staking.

The inclusion of Super Clusters in Lido’s Simple DVT Module is a major step forward in staking technology. By bringing together top-performing node operators, these clusters enhance the network’s security and capacity. DragonStake is honored to play a key role in this exciting development, helping to shape the future of decentralized staking.

Stay tuned to the evolution of DragonStake!

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to high market risk. DragonStake is not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses as a result of the staking process. Always perform your due diligence before making financial decisions.

