What is Hydro and What Does This Mean for The Cosmos Hub (ATOM)?

DragonStake | Blog
3 min readJun 21, 2024


Hydro is a development for The Cosmos Hub, designed as a bidding and governance platform specifically to address the ecosystem’s long-standing liquidity challenges. By streamlining how liquidity is deployed across different Layers within the Cosmos network, Hydro promises to bring new efficiencies and opportunities. Hydro is currently undergoing a community vote on Proposal #927, which seeks to fund a third-party audit of the ATOM Wars/Hydro platform. Voting for this proposal opened on 7 June and will close on 21 June, with Oak Security scheduled to carry out the audit if approved.

The Challenge of Liquidity

In simple terms, liquidity refers to how easily tokens can be traded without causing significant price changes. Just like water in a well — if the well is full, it’s easy for everyone in the village to get water whenever they need it without having to worry about running out. In blockchain terms, if a cryptocurrency like ATOM has good liquidity, it means that large amounts of it can be bought or sold quickly without huge price swings, making the currency stable and attractive for both traders and investors.

How Does Hydro Work?

Hydro tackles liquidity issues through an innovative auction-based system, modeled somewhat like a competitive grant system where different projects propose how they will use the funding and how much they will give back to the community in return. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Token Locking and Voting Rights: Think of this as a membership club. By locking up your tokens, you get a say in the club’s decisions — in this case, how liquidity is allocated across the network.
  • Auction System: Projects within the Cosmos ecosystem pitch how they need liquidity, similar to startups pitching to investors. They explain their needs, their plans, and how they will compensate the community. The community then votes to allocate resources to the most compelling projects.

Benefits for Stakers and Validators

  1. Improved Network Health: Good liquidity is like having a well-oiled machine; it allows all parts to move smoothly. For stakers, this means their investments are safer and more likely to grow in value due to increased stability and attractiveness of the network.
  2. Active Participation in Governance: Just like residents of a town participating in local elections, stakers get to vote on important decisions. This empowers them to shape the future of the Cosmos Hub directly.
  3. Economic Rewards: By wisely choosing which projects to fund, stakers can ensure that their assets are being used to support initiatives that will pay dividends back to the community, enhancing the value of their holdings.
  4. Attractiveness to New Projects: Just as a town with good infrastructure attracts more residents, a blockchain with good liquidity attracts more developers and projects. This increases the overall activity and health of the ecosystem, potentially leading to more transactions and fees for validators.

Imagine a community garden where everyone contributes seeds and decides together which crops to plant based on what will benefit the community the most. Hydro operates similarly within The Cosmos Hub, allowing token holders to decide together which projects should receive funding (water and nutrients) to grow and ultimately benefit the entire community.

Hydro is set to improve how liquidity is managed within The Cosmos Hub, making it more democratic, efficient, and beneficial for all stakeholders involved. For stakers and validators, it offers a chance not only to gain from better liquidity and economic activity but also to actively participate in the governance and strategic direction of the ecosystem. As we move forward, the success of Hydro could very well dictate the vibrancy and resilience of The Cosmos Hub.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to high market risk. DragonStake is not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses as a result of the staking process. Always perform your due diligence before making financial decisions.

