Dragonworld: The Rise Of The Man-Dragon — Prologue

Prologue: My sci-fi fantasy fiction novel.

Peter Burns
Dragonworld: The Rise Of The Man-Dragon


Photo by Sean Thomas on Unsplash

The Wall of Shanshara stood facing the Mountains of Wind. Its decrepit state pointed to an ancient origin. According to legend, it had been there since before the monsters came, dating to the age when gods walked the land.

In those ancient times, magic pervaded the world, allowing for the construction of such grand structures as the Wall. It is said the material used to create it came from the Crystal City of the Gods itself. Thus, its ultimate source were the heavens in the sky above.

Gazing upon it, Tamber Spilew recalled his childhood. His mind brought him back to the times when his grandfather would sit him on his knee and recount tales of times long past. In one of the stories, a lone dragon fought off a legion of monsters that came to destroy the Wall.

In this day and age, no one knew whether this was just a child’s tale, or something that really happened. Dragons had long ceased to ply the skies of the world, if they had ever even existed at all. However, the presence of destroyed, primordial ruins throughout the lands somehow gave credence to the stories.

Tamber held his breath for a second, awed by the grand structure spreading in front of him. It stretched on for miles. He had…



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