How Sales Intelligence Tools Assist Business Growth

Draup Platform
Draup for Sales
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2021

Many sales professionals use database platforms and assume that a curated list of prospect content and account intelligence metrics constitute valuable data.

They need access to the right tools for information about their prospects and leads that do not just show names, contact numbers, and business addresses.

Modern sales intelligence tools offer insights and data on:

  • Organization structure
  • Market landscape
  • Global footprints
  • Enterprise digital intentions
  • Technology landscape
  • Funding activity and more

These are valuable data, but marketers need much more.

There are volumes of data companies get with each passing day. Sales experts are no longer relying on traditional sales tactics to close deals.

Many companies realize that ‘sales intelligence’ makes collecting, curating, shortlisting prospects more intelligent and sifting through the massive sales metadata efficient.

The concept of pooling in real-time data on prospects and leads from multiple channels and platforms and presenting them in an easily digestible format for stakeholders is ‘sales intelligence.’

To tell you briefly, data + context — noise = intelligent decision making.

All this data is ineffective if their sales intelligence lacks context, is inaccurate and outdated, leverage monolithic data sources, and contains excessive, incomprehensible, and unvalidated (sometimes) data.

AI-powered intelligent sales use cases

Sales teams can manually sift through data and clean it up. However, AI-powered sales intelligence tools ease this by utilizing AI/big data frameworks built on business heuristics that evaluate characteristics across industries, companies, and stakeholders. It can give real-time interpreted sales intelligence.

Its capabilities in recent times have accelerated at a surprising pace. Some even provide you with vital psychological profiles at your target company.

Here are example use cases and how they shorten the timeline to close deals contributing to growth.

Account & stakeholder intelligence

With talent intelligence, companies can benchmark themselves with competition by providing them with a comprehensive view of their capabilities, customers, and characteristics of offerings to their customers. They can build hyper-targeted prospect lists to segment accounts & stakeholders with comprehensive and real-time metrics.

Account management

Sales teams can use the built-in 360-degree account intelligence feature to access a comprehensive and data-driven view of their customer & their ecosystem across hundreds of curated metrics across locations, technology, partnerships, stakeholders, and talent.

Sales pursuit

Sales professionals do not know how data can ease the sales pursuit stage. Consider a sales team trying to pitch to a startup or an established enterprise. While age-old sales principles are still in practice, companies must display in-depth knowledge of industry dynamics.

Sales leaders must demonstrate their expertise in the niche and know the company’s pain points before pitching your service. Sales intelligence tools can arm with such data and much more, helping closure of sales and company growth.

Draup empowers sales teams with comprehensive account and stakeholder intelligence using proprietary ML-models to enable microtargeting. Draup’s proprietary Opportunity Index provides a concrete, data-backed metric to check deal feasibility, strategize and pitch relevant companies.

Though Draup’s tool uses machine learning models, the analyst team validates this real-time data to ensure data integrity. Since experienced industry analysts vet this data, sales teams need not worry about data integrity. The data, however, enables sales leaders to move from prospecting to pitching to deal closure quickly.



Draup Platform
Draup for Sales

Draup is an enterprise decision-making platform for global CXO leaders in sales and talent domains.