The Journey from Talent Data to Talent Intelligence — Draup for Talent

Draup Platform
Draup for Talent
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2022

Organizations have talent data relating to recruiting, onboarding, learning, performance, compensation, and succession.

Talent Intelligence makes it easy to extract insights from this talent data in order to manage diverse talent and improve employee engagement.

AI-driven Talent Intelligence analyzes, processes, and presents data in a digestible format to help you make the right talent management decisions.

Central to intelligent recruiting, it can help you

  • Build comprehensive recruitment models
  • Develop future-proof talent strategies
  • “Humanize” recruitment, and
  • Handle tedious recruitment tasks.
  • Why You Must Use Talent Intelligence

1. Stay ahead of emerging trends

Predict trends, identify talent hotspots, and hire quality and diverse talent.

2. Make strategic talent decisions

See employees’ strengths and areas of improvement; map their careers, and prepare a reskilling/upskilling plan.

3. Manage talent acquisition costs

Keep talent acquisition costs low by assessing candidate capabilities across 40+ attributes and hiring the right candidate for your target role.

This helps you optimally use recruitment resources and reduce attrition rates in the long run.

4. Reduce turnover rates

Identify common reasons for leaving and mitigate the financial drain.

5. Proactively identify talent requirements

Discover urgent talent needs, including who’s likely to leave/retire, then reskill/upskill employees with the skills for the future.

6. Develop concrete succession plans

Help your employees find the next step in their career with data-backed career pathing support.

7. Improve productivity and manage teams

Resort to internal mobility strategies and reallocate employees to relevant projects.

Draup’s Talent Intelligence platform works with you to

  • Identify job roles
  • Evaluate relevant personality requirements
  • Make efficient hiring decisions

and more…

By extracting & analyzing data from 4,500+ job roles, 33 industries, 7,000+ universities, 30,000 skills and more…

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Draup Platform
Draup for Talent

Draup is an enterprise decision-making platform for global CXO leaders in sales and talent domains.