Creative Coding: Group 9 Case Studies

Lea Fabiano
Draw With Code — Case studies
3 min readOct 1, 2018

by Lea Mara Fabiano, Elena Filippi, Serena Milesi, Jacopo Perico

Case 01: Gemstones

Gemstones is a game where you have to save your planet after the explosion of its four moons: Cubetheon, Pyramidis, Penthagona and Hepthathes. The population has exploited for centuries the minerals contained in their cores because they were the main source of energy but the moons have become unstable until they explode. The only solution now it’s to find the Gemstones, four magical crystals that will restore the moons. The challenge is to find them amongst the moons’ debris. The player must find the right point of view to align different asteroids into the indicated geometric shape. The Gemstones will then reveal themselves.

Case 02: Bellwood

Bellwoods is a small 13 kilobyte “art game” for mobile & desktop, developed by Matt DesLauriers for the JS13K competition. In the game, you fly your kite through endless fields of song and color, trying to discover new worlds. All the graphics & audio is procedurally generated to fit the game within the 13 kilobyte budget. The game is inspired by haiku,a very short Japanese poem, and the desire to capture a fleeting moment in a single breath.

Case 03: GIBBER.CC — Programming as performance

Gibber is an easy and creative coding environment for audiovisual performance and composition. It contains features for audio synthesis and musical sequencing, 2D drawing, 3D scene construction and manipulation, and live-coding shaders.

To execute the code, highlight it and then hit Control+Shift+Enter.

To stop audio and clear graphics, digit Gibber.clear() highlight it, and hit Control+Shift+Enter.

Case 04: Histography

“Histography” is interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015.

The website works thanks to contents generated directly from Wikipedia: everytime a new event is created on the online encyclopedia, Histography add it on its timeline.

The user can navigate between decades to million years and explore the time map. He can also decide to select a certain period of time and navigate it, or to select a specific event in time. For example you can look at a specific century choosing the categories “war” and “invention. The interaction with the website is driven by sounds and other animations.

