Creative Coding: Group 5 Case Studies

Creative coding website that help you to familiarize with some fundamental principles of graphic design


by Group 5: Eleonora Cappuccio, Lucia Di Terlizzi, Alessandra Facchin, Paolo Vernocchi


Koalas to the max

We selected the website Koalas to the max as it tries to explain the principle of the pixel as the minimum unit of a raster image. The interaction is very simple yet effective. The User has to move the pointer over the circles in order to divide each one by four until he gets the final image. Spoiler alert: the image shows a koala.

I shot the Serif

In this basic game the geeky designer has to demonstrate his ability to recognize at a first glance a serif font from a sans-serif one.

He can choose between 3 difficulty levels the interaction is very simple, point and click to shoot the serif in a limited time span.

Silk- Interactive Generative Art

In this inspirational website our geeky designer can experience a peaceful artsy moment in an everyday much more demanding full of deadlines season. He can just slap on some headphones getting into a moment of complete quiet without having to use much brain power at all. By dragging the mouse around the user generates symmetric figures different from one another: the website uses a noise function to generate a natural appearing randomicity on the HTML black “canvas”. Brush and colors allows further customization, trying to make Silk something more than a wallpaper generator.


Patatap combines basic shapes with sounds to create unique synesthetic experience.

The user can familiarize with different patterns that he creates by typing on the keyboard. Thanks to the freedom that the website gives to the user, on youtube you can enjoy lot of examples of image and sound videos generated by other users. all the geeky designers must try patatap at least once in their life: it gives them the illusion of being great DJ, as well as great designers.

