Creative Coding: Group 6 Case Studies

Irene Zanardi
Draw With Code — Case studies
3 min readOct 31, 2018

by Federica Prunotto, Ennio Sorrentino, Livia Stevenin, Irene Zanardi

Case #1: Satellites

by Irene Zanardi

Did you know that the Earth is completely sorrounded by an incredibly various assortment of objects?

Satellites is an interactive experience that shows an original view of our planet. Its usage of data allows the user to discover some of the 206.000 major objects orbiting around Earth. Each shape visually represents a different kind of object: a debris, a payload or a rocket body. If you hover with the mouse over a shape, a brief history of that object will appear. Thanks to JSPredict, the position of a single object is calculated on empirical formulas.

The project addresses an issue that could be the next big problem of humanity. The enormous quantity of the so-called “space junk” is increasing more and more every year. At this pace, we probably won’t be able to safely travel into space, and the risk of collisions between satellites and debris is a serious threat to numerous services, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), the Hubble Space Telescope, satellitar phone and internet services, among the others.

Case #2: Radio Garden

by Ennio Sorrentino

Radio Garden is a web-app developed by Puckey Studio. It’ll let you search among every radio station in the world, you’ll get information about every station and you’ll be able to connect and listen to live streaming contents from all over the globe.

Case #3: New Experiences with Movies

by Livia Stevenin

Normally, watching a movie is a static experience without any interaction. However, with the new open source framework OPENRNDR this experience can be much more funny and interesting. Rather than being a passive viewer, the user can interact directly with an archive of movies from a totally new perspective.

OPENRNDR is written in Kotlin and Java 8+ and it is a collection of software components that aid the creation of robust visual and interactive applications. It simplifies real-time audio-visual interactive software.

Using this new framework, we can turn an often methodical activity in a interactive and active one. After an analysis of the movie footage, the user’s body position is recorded in real-time and matched with film clips. The idea was to transform the database of films into a mirror that responded to the body. A posture initiates a search request, a movement a transition between two films and information then reveals itself as it is given a body — the user’s.

You can also use the motion tracking as a navigator using your hands and body to search through the archive and the expressions can also be tracked and matched with footage allowing a ‘conversation’ between the user and the people recorded in the movies.

The tool cuts up huge movie files into smaller clips and adds the right meta data for the movie(s). From the generated clips it reconstructs the human posture/gestures by recording actors in front of a Kinect. The skeleton data is saved for every single clip and together with the meta data loaded into the program.

Case #4: Space Cylinder Physics

by Federica Prunotto

Space Cylinder Physics is created by William M.Hoza.
Here there are two views of the cross section of a cylindrical spaceship that is spinning to simulate gravity. Inside, there is no air and a single jumping dot You can control with Arrow keys and spacebar.

