Bullclip update: Guest Access + Mentions

Rowan Matz
Drawboard News
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2018


Right person, right time

Bullclip seamlessly connects project teams in a collaborative digital workspace, cutting paper (and pain) from the drawing development process.

A big part of this process that all teams (particularly remote teams) wrestle with is the design review. Gathering timely feedback from the right people can be painful and involve a lot of printing, regardless of whether you are managing an internal design review or kickstarting more independent reviews with partners in other offices.

This is an understated problem that is yet to be properly addressed by technology and costs projects unacceptable time and money.

It is for this reason that the team at Drawboard are excited to announce a couple of important new sharing and collaboration updates that will help you manage these once-painful design reviews with ease.

Guest Access

Project Owners and Admins can now invite any external partners to review a project with temporary guest access.

Guests don’t need to register a Bullclip account and can be granted Reader or Collaborator access to the web application for up to five days. Just enough time for a external reviewer to review your drawings and add any feedback.


You can now @mention team members in the comment timeline on drawings and digitally tap them on the shoulder with an email notification.

Finished your review? Found an issue that needs attention? Need to remind someone to look at your drawings? Use an @mention to get the attention of your team members and start the conversation.

The whole team at Drawboard are continuing to work hard to ensure all your project reviews are painless, paperless and accessible to all the right people. No matter where they are or what device they have.

Stay tuned for more exciting Bullclip updates shortly.


