
Writing for — Drawn to Be Funny

For those who liked scribbling on their notebooks in high school

H. Mikel Feilen
Drawn to Be Funny
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2023


An abstract drawing of a man’s face with a chin so big it creates a valley in the landscape.
I’m really not a funny guy. I’m just drawn that way. All drawings are by the author.

When I was about 12 years old, I started drawing on every notebook I had in school. Sometimes it was just a few circles that later became eyes, a nose, a mouth, and a head. As I got older my notebooks were covered in cool and bizarre art.

My classmates loved to look at my latest creations. At my 40th high school class reunion my different notebooks were one of the things many there remembered about me.

Drawing is incredibly fun just as telling a witty and hilarious story. I find when I add my art to my writing it gives it an extra flare. I also know that everyone can draw.

The main misconception people have about drawing is what it should end up looking like. There are magnificent artists that can make everything look like a photograph. I’m not one of them!

You see, there are Surrealists, Portrait Artists, and Abstract masters such as Picasso, Dali, and Matisse. They can make a canvas or a piece of paper come alive with color, shape, and shadow.

For me, I prefer a second-grade approach — crayolas, finger paint, and a little poo in my pants.



H. Mikel Feilen
Drawn to Be Funny

I am a writer, dancer, artist, and author - husband, father, and grandfather. I have suffered from epilespy since 1970. Tips at: