Green Energy Ohio & YellowLite Come to Photovoltaic Program at Richland

DRC Insider
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018

Over sixty residents of the Richland Correctional Institution attended a special presentation to discuss alternative energy. The event began with an announcement from Ms Baxter, Reintegration Unit Case Manager and PV staff advisor, “I just received word that each of the men who recently completed the ETA (Electronics Technicians Association) certification test passed.”

The room filled with applause as the graduates of the PV program received recognition for their achievement. Since 2015, the PV program at RiCI has become one of the prime programs offered through the reintegration unit, supporting a new vision in the growth industry of alternative energy. The unit received its certification as an approved ETA training site in 2017 and since then has graduated 16 current/former residents and has a waiting list of over 100.

Ms. Baxter welcomed all those in attendance, including Warden David Marquis, William Eleby, (Enterprise Development), and Roxanna Swogger, (Office of Reentry). Guest speakers, Jane Harf, (Executive Director of Green Energy Ohio) and Zach Schwartz (Community Outreach Organizer and Solar Consultant for YellowLite, Inc). YellowLite is the largest solar residential installer in Ohio, provided the topics for the event. The guests conducted a presentation that provided insight into the benefits of using alternative energy. Mr Schwartz informed the residents that YellowLite is providing solar energy panel installs to both residential and commercial customers throughout Ohio.

Ms. Harf, provided background on Green Energy Ohio (GEO) and discussed some of its nonprofit and corporate members. She explained that there is current growth in the alternative energy field which is fueled by the interest in new alternative energy technology. Ms Hart also stated the Photovoltaic program at RiCI is unique and provides a fantastic opportunity for individuals wanting to enter the solar panel industry. She identified some of the nearly 1500 solar PV systems currently in operation throughout Ohio. It was emphasized that there is tremendous employment opportunities for those who become certified, and learn all that they can.

During the Q&A portion of the event, participants inquired about new technology in alternative energy and additional certifications available. Harf and Schwartz spent nearly an hour fielding questions from the eager audience, answering each question with encouragement and interest. The event concluded outside in order to view the photovoltaic programs’ solar panel exhibit. One of the certified PV instructors at RiCI conducted a demonstration on how the PV program utilizes some of the donated panels and equipment. The participants also were provided an opportunity to present their resumes to Ms. Harf and Mr. Schwartz and discuss individual employment.



DRC Insider

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. Vision: Reduce crime in Ohio. Mission: Reduce recidivism among those we touch. (