Law Enforcement Torch Run

DRC Insider
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018

The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, is the largest grass roots fund raising program benefiting Special Olympics here in Ohio. This event unites law enforcement agencies, Corrections, and the communities throughout the state — who all work together toward a common goal of raising awareness for Special Olympics Ohio. Local police officers and ODRC staff run or ride bikes in one of four planned routes covering the state, and leading to the opening ceremonies for Special Olympics in Columbus. Officers pass the torch from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, allowing the various communities watch officers working together with the community, in an effort to reach our common goal.

Last year, through our local efforts, the Law Enforcement Torch Run was able to raise just over $580,000.00 for Special Olympics Ohio. ODRC staff and offender organizations have stepped up and worked together by participating in the Torch Run. At LECI, ODRC staff and a total of 96 inmates ran 3.1 miles together at LECI. ACI was very involved with local law enforcement and the community by not only having ODRC staff run with the Torch through Lima, but also offenders made banners and posters that Special Olympic athletes and people along the route could hold as the Torch went by. Staff from MCI and NCCI also participated by running and participating as the route went by their institutions. Just over $16,000.00 was raised this year by ODRC staff and ODRC offender groups for Special Olympics here in Ohio.



DRC Insider

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. Vision: Reduce crime in Ohio. Mission: Reduce recidivism among those we touch. (