Your Children

Doug Weiss
Heart 2 Heart by Dr. Doug Weiss
2 min readJul 12, 2016

Lust is deceptive. It deceives you into thinking you aren’t hurting your children when you lust. That concept is a lie.

I remember receiving an email from a woman in Africa who shared that her husband was a massive cheater, and that her daughter was going down the same road and had multiple affairs. She asked me why this was. I had to tell her to read Hosea 4 which explains clearly that when men follow after lust and those behaviors, it affects their children.

When I wrote the book, Beyond the Bedroom: Healing for Adult Children of Sex Addicts (HCI, 2005), I did research on the impact sexual addiction had on children of men who struggled. The research uncovered: 81 percent had self-esteem issues; 79 percent were impacted spiritually; 70 percent were impacted emotionally, 71 percent were impacted in their dating lives, 69 percent were impacted in their marriages, and 64 percent were impacted in their romantic relationships. If you believe the lie that lust doesn’t affect your children, there’s the proof that it does.

Remember, what a man protects, he loves. Lust wants you to protect it and its secrets, make it sacred, and keep it safe as it inflicts its pain and wraps its tentacles around your children. Lust hates your family and tries to keep you from realizing the damage it can do to them. When you live a lust-free life, you are doing the most to protect those you truly love.

Make it Real

1. What, if any, impact did you think lust would have on your children or future children?2. What do you think about Hosea 4?

3. What do you think about the statistics you just read?

4. What would it mean for you to protect your family?

Next Step

To learn more about lust free living purchase the book. While you are reading this book, it if any time questions come up we are here to answer any questions. Feel free to email us at or give us a call at 719.278.3708.

Content Taken From

Lust Free



Doug Weiss
Heart 2 Heart by Dr. Doug Weiss

Licensed Psychologist and Executive Director at Heart to Heart Counseling Center. Frequent media guest and international speaker. Contact 719-278-3708