Psychic Dreams: What You Need to Know About This ESP Phenomenon

5 types of psychic dreams and their defining traits

Nicole Rose
Dream Codes


Photo by Stephan Keller on Pixabay
Photo by Stephan Keller on Pixabay

Psychic dreams are more common than you might think.

While scientists grope with trying to understand the phenomena around psychic dreams (precognitive dreams, in particular), dream-workers around the world have come to recognize some clear tell-tale signs that indicate when a dream is psychic.

When I say psychic I’m using that term broadly to include any degree of ESP (extra-sensory perception) that takes place within a dream. That means that not all psychic dreams are necessarily precognitive (telling of future events).

In my 30 years of working with dreams, I’ve come across many characteristics of psychic dreams presented by different dream teachers and authors. They don’t always use the same terms for the same type of dream, making it rather confusing for readers.

One teacher may lump all psychic dreams under the category of precognitive, while another may differentiate between precognitive, clairvoyant, telepathic, astral, or visitation activities in dreams.

I find the latter individuated descriptions far more helpful in determining how to understand and work with the information in my own dreams, and believe you will…



Nicole Rose
Dream Codes

Dream-worker, Mystic, Lover of Divine Paradox, B.S. Psych, B.S. HDFS, Advocate for an Awakened Humanity & Conflict Resolution,