10 Actions the New Administration can take to Boost the Economy 7 Cut Pollution

Green For All
Dream Corps
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2020

Despite the countless obstacles, We The People voted in record-breaking numbers for democracy, for justice, for equity, and for each other. Now is the time to unite our nation to take on the challenges we face, while addressing crises that impact us all.

According to a Fox News Exit Poll, Americans are united in addressing climate change: 70% of voters are in favor of increasing government spending on green and renewable energy.

Joe Biden has put forward the most ambitious climate plan ever proposed by any president in U.S. history, and now it’s up to us to push the new administration to ensure that climate remains a priority. We are still in the midst of a global pandemic and a worsening climate and economic crisis. Now more than ever, we need bold action to rebuild the economy and solutions that can solve poverty and pollution at the same time.

Here are 10 actions the new administration can take to cut pollution while building a healthy economy resilient enough to support communities hit first and worst by climate change.

Deploy pollution-free energy and transportation

1. Clean up passenger and freight transportation through stronger Clean Air Act rules that help people reach essential jobs and access goods more safely.

2. Accelerate transportation electrification by leveraging federal purchasing power and supporting state and local leaders.

3. Launch a new Clean Power Plan that improves efficiency and cuts emissions, especially in communities overburdened by pollution.

Invest in communities and rebuild the economy

4. Leverage federal contracting dollars toward projects that improve racial and economic justice and reduce pollution.

5. Save families and small businesses money and create jobs by making homes, buildings, and appliances more energy efficient.

6. Increase access to capital through a revolving fund “green bank” to provide low or zero-interest loans for local projects that reduce pollution, improve mobility options or strengthen energy democracy.

7. Kick-off economic recovery through legislation starting with modernizing and fixing broken transportation and energy infrastructure, especially in communities hardest hit by COVID-19.

8. Support BIPOC entrepreneurs and clean economy workers.

Protect public health

9. Get back to protecting historically marginalized communities from industrial pollution by enforcing environmental laws.

10. Build back trust, community participation, and protection from pollution through restoring clean water guidelines, environmental review processes, and methane rules for oil and gas.



Green For All
Dream Corps

Building a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty. A program of @thedreamcorps