The beauty of knowing nothing.

Art Cole
Dream. Create. Become.
2 min readAug 11, 2014


Nonsense you say. Well what do you know about nothing? Probably not much if you’re an early-adopter, an information hoarder, or a crazed social media monster.

We’ve all seen hermit-like ravings like this before: Go find yourself… Get lost… Try something new… Detach…

These are environmental changes. Adjustments to the everyday norm. What I’m proposing is a filter or better-yet, a simple blockade and avoidance of anything that is a distraction to your aspirations and pursuits.

The sublime is rarely experienced because we consume too much through our senses and overwhelm every minute with knowing more than the next person. Humans have detached themselves from craftsmanship, excellence of a narrow-based field, and the mastery of one thing, one subject or one goal.

Knowing nothing is less about ignorance than it seems on the surface. I believe that having a unified discipline of thought, career or trade is the foundation of passion meeting your basic needs.

Are you doing too much to be the very best you?

You can reinvest your energy into a more simplified you. Make a list of the things that help you stay focused. Things that bring joy are great motivators and rewards along the way, so for goodness sake, don’t get rid of special moments. Get rid of the time killers like gossip, TV, social media check-ins, check-ups and over-postings of the mundane.

You can craft your social media usage to celebrate and inspire others or you can use it to spy on others and over-broadcast yourself.

Beauty is in the singularity of what you do to create a moment, an object, a team, an account or a smile. Beauty has always been about a moment, a place, a person, a memory, or a thoughtful word. Beauty is discovered when we edit, trim, and peel back the layers of stuff that weigh us down.

Knowing and doing something very specific in life is when we discover the beauty within us. Beauty is in all of us and is tapped when we desire less from everyone else and more from ourselves. Feed your dream. Establish goals. Live in the moment.

Embrace that one thing that defines who you are and dismantle the distractions.


