30 Days of Empowerment

Helen Mirren

“At 70 years old if I could give my younger self one piece of advice, it would be to use the words ‘fuck off’ much more frequently.” — Helen Mirren

Kat Sanders
Dream! Create! Inspire! Be Epic!
2 min readJun 17, 2019


Fuck Off. It’s strong language. I don’t have a problem with it, but a lot of people do. You can use “no” instead. Whichever way you go, the power of turning down a request, a proposition, a date is amazing.

I grew up being told that a lady did as she was told. A lady was subject to the will of her father, and later her husband. In between, what small amount of time there might be, she was to obey the men around her. That her life was founded on the will of the men around her, and hopefully, they would be good men, moral men. I was lucky for the most part, at least when compared to other women I know. I had a relatively good father. He was protective of me against outside men when I was young, until I became willful. Then he was less protective and more verbally abusive. I could do no wrong until I could do no right. There was no middle ground.

My best friend grew up in the worse possible household. There was no protection as even her father was the horror that every woman fear. Many women go through this every day and it gets no better for them as adults. They are…



Kat Sanders
Dream! Create! Inspire! Be Epic!

They/them: Dynamic artist, writer, and world-builder, channeling boundless creativity and imagination. Driven by passion with unwavering purpose.