What Does Dreaming of Apricots Mean?

The Relationship Recipe
Dream Decoder HQ
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2024

Dreams About Apricots: Insights from “10,000 Dreams Interpreted”

In the world of dreams, every symbol carries profound significance, offering glimpses into our subconscious thoughts, fears, and desires.

Among dream symbols, the appearance of apricots holds particular meaning, conjuring themes of hidden sorrow, impending calamity, and wasted time.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Let’s talk about the interpretations provided in Gustavus Hindman Miller’s “10,000 Dreams Interpreted” to unravel the hidden messages behind dreaming of apricots.

According to Miller’s interpretations, dreams of seeing apricots growing suggest that while the future may appear promising and rosy-hued, there are underlying elements of bitterness and sorrow concealed within it.

This symbolism serves as a cautionary message, urging the dreamer to be wary of overly optimistic expectations and to remain vigilant in the face of potential disappointments.

Furthermore, eating apricots in a dream signifies the near approach of calamitous influences.

This interpretation warns the dreamer of impending challenges or setbacks that may disrupt their peace and stability. It encourages the dreamer to prepare themselves emotionally and mentally for potential difficulties on the horizon.

Moreover, if others eat the apricots in the dream, it suggests that the dreamer’s surroundings will become unpleasant and disagreeable to their preferences.

This symbolism implies a sense of discord or dissatisfaction in the dreamer’s environment, prompting them to reassess their relationships and surroundings for potential sources of tension or conflict.

Additionally, a friend mentioned in the interpretation states that apricots denote that the dreamer has been wasting time over trifles or small things of no value.

This interpretation serves as a wake-up call, urging the dreamer to reevaluate their priorities and focus on pursuits that hold true meaning and significance.

