Dream Journey

Dawn Banks
Dream Explorers
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2015

I have an idea and this is where it started….

I have a garden design business and wanted to improve and grow it. So on high recommendation I sign up for the Happy Start Up Home School.

I had no idea what it might give me but off I went.

Day 1 — lesson — Goals — ok great, I’ve enjoyed the first day

Day 2 — lesson — Passion — Loving it, feeling inspired and thinking of ways to improve my business.

Day 3 — Lesson — mindset — WOW ok, feeling really excited and I start reflecting on my family and children.

Day 4 — Lesson — Super powers — INCREDIBLE, I suddenly have self belief, all my life there’s been some doubt, now I know my strengths. Woohoo

This course already has been so powerful for me, I’m elated and amazed.

I start thinking to myself — Imagine if my children had this knowledge of growth mindset, knew their super powers, their strengths — what a gift to give to them. What an amazingly happy and enjoyable life they can create for themselves.

Questions pop into my head:

(still on day 4 of lessons here)

How can we get them to realize their strengths, know their dreams, know the different approaches to life?

Ah — a visual! — I can simplify into 2 roads ‘Rocky Road to Success’ and ‘A journey to your Dreams’

So I sit in my lounge and start drawing:

Rocky road to Success — Story board

This road is focused on grades, ego, wealth, etc. You start this road being pushed in this direction — like it or not! the story moves on to show the possible pitfalls of these focuses, some failing and falling down, some racing to reach the end ‘on their own!’. And some who do make success with certificates and wealth but unhappy and exhausted.

Journey to your Dreams

Starts united, moving along gathering experiences of the world, cultures, music, art and communities working together to help that journey. The slight hill states effort and energy to reach your dreams but happy while doing so.

Berri and Pablo return home

They are instantly drawn to the story boards — ‘oh what are these, these look interesting’

I ask them to tell me what the story is in each board — they get it straight away.


Without any prompting they both get a board and begin to draw.

Berri (my daughter) draws her Dream Journey — similar to mine but far happier — everything is happy — trees, people, flowers, world, food! she adds art and music (her love, her passions)

Its just beautiful

Pablo (my son) his board has a baguette, a giant millipede, a heart ‘Love is important’, ‘Be Happy’ and some odd creatures!

Food (he loves all kinds of food from all corners of the world)

Nature and animals — love for the natural world

Kind and caring

Creative and imaginative.

Looking at their boards, I was totally taken aback as I realized they had just drawn their passions and their superpowers!

WOW — What a reaction and so quickly

Looking at this idea, the transition from primary to secondary schools is the time that the ‘Rocky Road’ begins. A course in the summer for year 6 leavers could help them stay strong and true to themselves and prevent them from taking on the stresses of peer pressure, image etc.

And think of this — a new wave of parenting teenagers — NO more angry grumpy kids in the house. Renowned for being the hardest time of parenting could be transformed to being the most exciting time, with their frustrations and stresses removed, we would be watching our children develop their strengths and following their passions — IMAGINE THAT!

I don’t think its just schooling that sends us off on the rocky road, there are many influences out there. Parents for one! yes us, their biggest influence — so maybe this course goes further, to bring more parents into this way of thinking, leading the way, courses running side by side with their children??.



Dawn Banks
Dream Explorers

Creator of Dreamexplorers.co - a place where children gain self awareness, discover their identity, grow confidence, realise passions and follow dreams.