Bio Design and natural patterns

Gabriella Del Core
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2017

Using Bio design definition, a new approach is proposed, a design that proposes to identify the culture of design complexity inherent in the logic, codes and principles of the biological world.

In Bio Design, quality taken from the biological world are transferred to design innovative products and services as a kind of new genetic code.

Buckminister Fuller saidWe do not seek to imitate nature, but rather to find the principles she uses.

Objectivity- NURIT BAR SHAI 2012, USA

Current biological knowledge has revealed that not necessarily biological systems operate in an “exact”, rather, it is their complexity which allows it to survive external changing and internal conditions. Complexity that hybrid design is proposed to borrow through the transfer of biological strategies to design, for-revealing new scenarios of conceptual and operational testing.

Designing with : codes, principles and logic drawn from biology, it means not only to be inspired by how nature creates its products, but mainly as it develops, grows them and keeps them alive.

1) Laeaf at microscope 2) Growth Pattern- ALLISON KUDLA 2010,Spagna

Experiments with biologists who have collected the strongest impulse, creating a new form of organic design and evolving, generate Bio Design.

Bio design paradigm is inspired by their nature construction techniques as the natural pattern which then can relocate in anthropic projects.

Today, the intersection between the evolution of biological knowledge and the progress of new technologies open new relationships between design and biology, offering design, new possible interpretation of nature, Fibonacci series is an example of natural pattern, in fact , doing a relief of many types of tree leaves can readily be seen that they are aligned according to a scheme which includes two Fibonacci numbers. Starting from a leaf whatever, after one, two, three or five laps of the spiral is always an aligned leaf with the first and depending on the species, this will be the second, the third, the fifth, the eighth or the thirteenth leaf.

Fibonacci and nature

An exemple of natural pattern design application is The Mashrabiya, Neri Oxman project inspired by natural pattern as she explains:

“The Mashrabiya is an archetype of ancient Arabic architecture denoting an oriel screen-wall or window made of latticework. It functions as a social barrier and an environmental filter. By modulating the size, thickness, density and overall organization of the pattern, different environmental effects can be achieved such as controlling the orientation of light or the movement of air. This work reinterprets the ancient art of Mashrabiya design through the lens of digital fabrication technologies. Inspired by fractal patterns found in Nature (such as the Fibonacci series), this screen wall “shapes” the form of the environment by creating a spiraling vortex of light and air. The design generation process results in different textural forms depending on the desired microclimate in a specific environmental context. “

Fibonacci’s Mashrabiya By Neri Oxman
Sun flower and Fibonacci
Fibonacci’s Mashrabiya By Neri Oxman

