How to turn your dream into action

Dream Facilitation
Dream Facilitation
4 min readJun 21, 2019


Imagine a world in which people live fully connected to their life’s purpose — a world that is home to the dreamers.

We live in a time where more and more people are struggling to figure out what to do with their lives.

Despite having more freedom and opportunity than ever before, we are overwhelmed by choice, and even if we do have a dream, we are too scared or simply unsure of how to take that first step. Indeed, the process of living your purpose and turning your dreams into action can be a complex, layered and lonely road. That’s where Dream Facilitation comes in.

What is Dream Facilitation?

Dream Facilitation is a movement that works with organizations and passionate individuals (called Dreamers) who are ready to become entrepreneurs of their own journeys and take action to live a more meaningful life. The Dreamers are people who are ready to start a new project, make a career transition or take their business to the next level. The 1–1 consulting process is based on the Theory U framework and uses the latest personal and professional development tools and methodologies such as Ikigai, Business Model Canvas, Life Design, OKR and many more.

“We spend so much time in our head just thinking about what to do. So it’s a chance to sit down with someone, breath, explore your mind and then just put it all on paper and trust what comes out. You learn things that you don’t get when you keep it all locked up.” Founder, Luiza Arcuschin

Roberta Dubeux was one of the first Dreamers and has since gone on to follow her career as pianist and composer.

“The meetings helped me to focus and not feel alone in the process of change. They helped me verbalize my ideas and make them more concrete, which is an important step towards their realization. I also took a lot from Luiza’s inputs in the form of new ideas, planning, structuring, tools, and criticisms.” Roberta Dubeux

Luiza sees Dream Facilitation as an innovative way of helping people engage with life’s big questions. She is driven by the belief that we all have the power to become the best version of ourselves and decide what is a successful and meaningful life. From her perspective, purpose is the essence of who you are; is what makes you unique. So connecting with your purpose isn’t a thing you stumble upon one day, but rather a mindset — a journey of experimentation and self-discovery.

“People often want to be more confident before taking action. But confidence only comes from taking action. This is why making a concrete plan, start prototyping the first steps and holding the Dreamer to account is crucial to the process.” Founder, Luiza Arcuschin

Dream Facilitation’s most popular workshop is called ‘Purpose In Action’. This hands-on group workshop helps participants dig deep in order to connect with their true selves. Using the latest tools and methodologies, participants set tangible goals and map out their next project or business idea.

“It really connected me with my why, made me realize what drives me and what I find important”. Larissa, graphic designer

“The workshop gave me the opportunity to clarify my vision and purpose of my business idea. During different exercises, we worked on our strengths and talents and the next steps to bring our purpose into action. A very good combination of action and tranquility”. Alexandre, business entrepreneur

Purpose in Action workshop // February 2019

Dream Facilitation envisions a world with more empowered people living a more meaningful life. Personal growth is like any other skill — it just needs practice, dedication and is much easier with other people around to share the journey. People have the answers within them, they just need space, time and a little love to help them get it out.

Ready to turn your dream into action?



Dream Facilitation
Dream Facilitation

Dream Facilitation is a movement that empowers dreamers to turn their purpose into action — Learn more at