‘The Smashing Machine’, Metaverse Movie NFT Collection

Gaze Coin
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2021


The Smashing Machine — The Life & Times of Extreme Fighter Mark Kerr, is a feature documentary Produced in 2002 by Greg O’Connor. The film was Executive Produced by brothers Gregory and Gavin O’Connor the filmmakers behind the 2010 film “Warrior” starring Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton inspired by The Smashing Machine documentary. Greg O’Connor is now venturing into the Hollywood NFT market by releasing the film in a whole new way — as a collection of cyberpunk MMA fighters- living inside a Play To Earn ‘TV Game’ called SMASH TV.

The fighter collection — known as the S&M’s — consists of 4096 fighting holograms — delivered in AR — each one with a skill set derived from 8 fighting tribes. Each fighting tribe has 64 genesis characters minted by buyers. Each genesis character is capable of generating 8 variants with skills derived from the following MMA fighting styles.

  • Boxing,
  • Wrestling,
  • Judo,
  • Jujitsu,
  • Karate,
  • Muay Thai (Thai boxing)

The genesis characters are the most valuable as they assume the personality of its creator (the person who mints the NFT) . It does this over time and requires the user to train the S&M into mannerisms and speech. (using mobile phone)

The Play-To-Earn TV Game — How Do I Make Money?

SMASH TV is delivered in the form of a ‘fight town’ (a web 3.0 world) where players fight, trade fighters, and trade virtual real estate for S&M coins — that can be cashed out through Ethereum . The action takes plan in the urban sprawl surrounding a central Smash TV Channel that broadcasts fights between the characters and pays fans in S&M coins for engagement. Fans need to own an NFT to gain access, breed and sell variant S&M fighters to players who want to fight.

The fights take place through an AR mobile app where players agreed a fight fee in S&M coin. Players then lock in fight moves they can acquire from a moves library (or win) and the fight begins. Fighters can also agree to fight for for genesis tokens, transferring ownership to the winner. The fights take place on your desk by looking through the camera on your phone in the following manner >>

Special Release Characters

There are 45 special release S&M’s (1 of 1s) . These are the leaders of the tribes. Holding these gives you VIP access, privileges and most of all makes you a judge of S&M Battle Royale held every 3 months. These characters must have appeared in movies shown on the SmashTV channel. They include:

  • UFC #1 Characters
  • Mark Kerr
  • Other celebrity fighters who join the Channel.

Special Release Metaverse Movie Scenes

S&M TV will release a number of scenes from Smashing Machine movies featuring its stars that are super rare . Fans who purchasing one of these NFT’s can use them to breed a super rare ‘gold’ generative variant S&M fighter with special fighting moves sourced from MMA fight moves library

Fighting Characters Live in their own Metaverse Space

Each SM is allocated a ‘space’ in the SM urban environment (or Metaverse) that surround the Smash TV channel . This consists of a series of urban fight zones run by each tribe & replicating the famous fight zones of the world — Venice Beach (Los Angeles), Wan Chai (Hong Kong), Tokyo Dome (Tokyo) , Lumpinee (Bangkok), Kingsland Road (London), Gorky Park (Moscow) . Each zone can expand to a maximum of 247 spaces. (1976 in total ) Spaces can be traded as virtual real estate and can also be used to direct traffic to other connected ‘’spaces’ in the metaverse.

SM Battle Royale & Smash TV Series

Smash TV is the host of the S&M Battle Royale . Held every three months it is used to elect the next star of the ‘Smash TV Series’. The top 64 ranked fighters are selected to be in the final, competing to be number 1, but also for a slice of the S&M Coin prize pool. The format allows fans to back fighters by purchasing social tokens from each competing fight character. The winner of each battle doubles the number of backers coins. The process continues until there is one survivor. The final pot of coins is divided pro rata between all participants based on their final holdings of social coins. The Battle Royale is hosted on the Smash TV Channel . The winner stars in an episode of the Smash TV Drama Series.

Narrative Story & Series

The over arching narrative story of why Smash TV exists is explained through a scripted drama series that stars the S&M hologram fighters. In the series the Smash TV ‘world’ is depicted as a dream, with owners of fighters putting them into sleep mode to seek each other . Owners purchase / equip their SM’s with NFT moves, allowing them to fight. Waking up each morning owners watch replays of their alter egos (the S&M fighers) on Dream Channel TV .

In the series, when a S&M wins a fight it generates a new WARRIOR skin (a new NFT) each time. When this happens in the series these NFT’s are minted into Smash TV at the same time and put up for auction . As such the series also drives NFT creation . At the same time the loser of a fight remains asleep and fights for the winner until they run out of budget allocated for fight night by owner. Again replicated in the live Smash TV Game.

SM’s have a number of modes

- sleep mode

- flirt mode

- dance mode

- date mode

Each variant is a specialist at one of these modes

How Does the Sale Begin?

The S&M fight character sale begins as soon as the Special Release Metaverse Movie Scenes are selected, and as soon as the design of the genesis S&M Cyberpunk for each of the 8 tribes is finalised — currently in production.

Example of Smash Fight World :

This post was written by: Jonny Peters

Founder: Dream Frames https://dreamframes.io/

Founder: Dream Channel XR https://dreamchannel.io/alpha/index.html

Founder: GazeCoin. https://www.gazecoin.io/



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