Dare to Daydream: How Your Imagination Creates Miracles

Do you know how powerful you are?

Elizabeth Gordon
Dream It Up
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2023


Image courtesy of Tumisu on Pixabay

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the lost art of daydreaming.

You know, that activity we usually got in trouble for as youngsters when we should’ve been “doing something more productive.”

This just makes me laugh now.

Daydreaming is productive and I’m going to show you why.

As adults, we have been trained to keep taking action after action with no real connection to what we’re doing…or where we’re headed.

After reading this article, I hope your eyes will be opened to how a bit of daydreaming can bring a whole lotta magic into your life.

Daydreaming: Priming Your Mind for Change and Discovery

Let me ask you a question: what did you focus on yesterday?

And the day before that?

And the day before that?

I bet a lot of it was the same — keeping you feeling the same emotions and taking the same old actions.

It’s okay because we all do this out of habit. The brain has learned certain neurological patterns and it likes to repeat them. This saves energy so the brain can perform critical…



Elizabeth Gordon
Dream It Up

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: www.totalwellnesscopywriting.com GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!