I Lay Before Irises.

I’d like to say I’m getting better at resting — but that isn’t true.

Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2024


Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

i lay before irises
purple violets dot my yard
slow down
yes, i want to

but i don’t remember how —
and that’s okay

i spin in circles
until exhaustion sets in
driven by curiosity
thinking and moving
making and dreaming.
i’d like to say i’m getting better
at resting
but that isn’t true.
i accept it
i soften into these edges
and smile anyway.

i am forever re-learning
what balance means
because i change
my needs change
i swim in those fluid waters
and take their temperature every day.

free from assumptions —
i discover. uncover. recover.
words remind me to uncoil
the sentences stretched and stored within
they are a type of rest
a breath. a pause. a shiver
they stop me in my tracks
and i need that.



Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up

Writer, poet, lover of nature. Therapist. Tender heart. Wild soul. My publication is Dream It Up.