Ready to Make Some Magic? Here’s Our Submission Guidelines.

We want your words. We want your fierceness and your softness.

Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2023


Photo by Olga Solodilova on Unsplash

At dream it up, we know creativity is magic. There’s no question about that.

We want your real, your honest, your raw, your beautiful, your weird, and your depths. Show us your fierceness and your softness, your dazzling wit and your fear.

We want to know why creativity is important to you; why making things just feels good.

We want to keep asking the question over and over again — what inspires you to create? What does your voice sound like? Why is being human so damn weird and vulnerable?

We want to hold your words with care. For this to be a safe space for your creativity to thrive. For you to resurrect dreams and dive into the wildest depths of your imagination.

We want you dream it up.

We welcome poems, short stories, fiction, and nonfiction. All stories submitted here must be your own original work.

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Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up

Writer, poet, lover of nature. Therapist. Tender heart. Wild soul. My publication is Dream It Up.