This Year, My Word is Rest.

leading me softly to a new adventure

Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2023


Photo by Double e on Unsplash

i don’t do resolutions
life is already too full of goals.
but i do love words
and for 2024, my word is rest.
i wanna steep in it like a delicate tea
let the flavors mingle
and paint me in a portrait
of hope and caramel.

my bones are beyond tired
changing, working, learning, growing, living.
it takes so much energy, does it not?
i’d like to wander beneath blankets
and warm up with cappuccinos and poetry
while gazing at spruce trees.

rest goes against the grain of everything
society says
but i look to nature
and she rests so beautifully in winter
she understands
the power in pausing
she is not always doing
she is not always blooming.
and we are not meant to be, either.



Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up

Writer, poet, lover of nature. Therapist. Tender heart. Wild soul. My publication is Dream It Up.