It’s Okay When Creativity Ebbs and Flows.

psst: don’t panic

Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2023


Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash

Creativity ebbs and flows. Everything ebbs and flows. We cannot flower all the time. The moon moves; the tide draws in and out.

We accept it. We move with it. We nourish in rest during dark nights and spark inspiration at sunrise. We weep with the willows. We follow the signs of nature. Because we are nature.

I wrote this today because it is a snapshot. A momentary camera capture of words — of worlds dancing into my bones.

I often struggle to empathize with myself — thankfully, writing helps me soften. It blankets me in comfort and knowing.

Right now, I’m in a dark moon kinda phase. And that’s okay.

I don’t need to push or force through it. I’ve also learned not to panic or assume something is wrong.

A creative life is delicate and glittery and nuanced. It is susceptible to its own methods and moods. It is not like anything else and it refuses to be faked.

I have, however, come to except these dips and peaks. I expect fickleness and in a way, I love it.

So don’t get me wrong, I will still make time for creativity. For writing and other passion projects.



Sarah L. Harvey
Dream It Up

Writer, poet, lover of nature. Therapist. Tender heart. Wild soul. My publication is Dream It Up.