Dragons and Demodogs

Devon Skidmore
Dream Journal
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2019

This one begins in a castle. I am talking to the king in the midst of a large feast. The room is packed with people. We’re discussing how we can slay a dragon when a large stranger with a bushy red beard enters. Behind him follow his servants, carrying something covered in a large cloth.

Under the cloth is the dragon’s head, I could see the nose and horns sticking out. The stranger announces that he has slain the dragon which causes the the king and I to exchange looks and say “Guess we don’t have t worry about that anymore.” He then proceeds to challenge the king for the right to rule.

Before anyone can say anything else, Martin Short comes from the crowd and says before that challenge can take place he challenges the stranger for the right to challenge the king. Martin Short was wearing a white onesie and a rainbow afro wig.

The king turns to me and tells me to gather the people so everyone can witness the challenge and that we’re going to have a tournament. I think of how I can gather everyone quickest and decide to ask the animals to help.

I run through the castle grounds telling the birds and mice to round up all the people for the tournament. There is one mouse who keeps evading me so I chase it down and catch it. When I do, it turns into a lizard thing with big black eyes.

It then attaches itself to my are and won’t let go. As I try to peel it off I look through the doorway into a nearby room. Inside is one of the Demodogs form Stranger Things season two. I realize the lizard thing is one of it’s babies so I rip it off and run away. That’s the last thing I remember.



Devon Skidmore
Dream Journal

I’m a UX Designer and part time Yeti. I like making stuff, solving problems, and making stuff that solves problems. I live in Utah and can be found in the wild.