Lunar Landing and a Tidal Wave

Devon Skidmore
Dream Journal
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2019

Dream from December 29, 2018

A space ship trying to land on the moon. My team and I were having problems with our equipment. What those problems were I have no idea. They all went to bed but I was still up trying to think. I opened a hatch on the wall and behind it was a portal to the moon’s surface. I looked through and everything was black. Then small points of green light appeared on the lunar dirt.

I stuck my arm through and the lights grew larger. I called to my team then crawled out and onto the moon. I didn’t have a space suit on but I didn’t need to breath. At first I saw everything in infrared. Then as my team joined me I saw myself in third person and only my own body was infrared. We walked around for a short time exploring.

I was back in my body and started jumping to test the moons gravity. The moon shrank to the size and appearance of a large bed. The bed cover looked like the moon’s craters and was white, blue, and purple.

Next thing I know I am walking into an office building in downtown Salt Lake City. Turns out I am starting a new job and the place I worked during my undergrad (which was not in SLC). I walked in and started talking to a new co-worker. I talked about how I worked there for four years took three years off and now I’m back.

I also mentioned how I had just checked something off my bucket list, walking on the moon. She didn’t believe me so we walked outside to look at the moon. Instead of seeing the moon there was a huge meteor falling towards the earth. It wasn’t burning up but when it struck downtown it crushed the buildings and caused a tidal wave.

No idea where the water came from but the wave came towards us and we ran inside. I was worried about getting my shoes wet so I stood on a chair. The wave was only a foot high by the time it reached us so we were safe.

After the wave passed I left the building and headed towards the crater. The surrounding destruction looked old already, there weren’t any fires, smoke, or dust. I walked through it for a few minutes and that was the last thing I remember.



Devon Skidmore
Dream Journal

I’m a UX Designer and part time Yeti. I like making stuff, solving problems, and making stuff that solves problems. I live in Utah and can be found in the wild.