Thoughts on Good Friday

Amy Caswell
Dream Work Inspire
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2020


Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Father, I surrender my Spirit into your hands.” And he took his last breath and died. Luke 23:46 TPT

God what would you have me dwell on today? What scriptures and promises would you have me meditate on this Good Friday?

Good Friday, how can we call it good? We know it is good because we are fortunate to know the rest of the story. The tomb is not the end, it is merely just the beginning. Yet those who were alive in Jesus day must have felt beyond deflated. This great saviour that they expected to change the world has just died a horrific and tormented death. All hope must have been lost.

As we spend Good Friday in isolation, I wonder how many of us are feeling that all hope is lost? That life will never be the same again? Some of us may be going through extreme trials. Many of us have lost the ability to financially provide for our families, and with that brings the emotional toil of feeling inadequate. Many of us are suffering the effects of isolation and are starting to go a little stir-crazy. Many of us are scared of the unknown, of what the future holds, of when this will end and how will we ever be able to go about our normal lives again.

Yet the story is not finished there, as we all know that in three days our Saviour rose from the grave victorious! That in and of itself is…



Amy Caswell
Dream Work Inspire

Writer. Amazon Author. Book lover. Dreamer. Coffee and tea drinker. Mum to three. Wife. Uni Graduate