9 most powerful statements

Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2018


In the corporate world, you might get away with being a dull, lifeless dumb.

But in the space out of this comfort zone, those who go furthest and sustain it the longest are the ones who possess an attitude that is much grounded but at the same goes deeper than logic can understand.

Still so many people believes in their lack and poverty instead of their own mindset. When one possesses such a mindset, it will seem like the whole world conspires to create more struggle on the path of success and prosperity.

According to Joel Brown (creator of addicted2success.com), and I fully resonate with this — “your ability to succeed and prosper must begin with steps taken toward personal transformation. Everything comes forth from within.”

I have found a few key ones that I believe will help inspire and propel you into greater success and prosperity.

Here are the 9 most powerful statements from Joel Brown:

  • We only get what we believe we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards and you will receive a better outcome.
  • Be so focused on your God given mission that negative thoughts and jealousy towards others have no place in your mind.
  • Stop looking UP to others and start looking at the one you see in the mirror. You have greatness in you that is also found within them.
  • Don’t forget, there is a price to pay for living in your purpose. If you want success, first you must overcome the struggles.
  • If you are reading this, trust and believe you are going to make it. God is re-aligning the flow in your favor.
  • Stay with one thing long enough until you become the best at it and your tribe will find you.
  • True success comes from something bigger than yourself. It’s a gift from God that has been given to you in faith that you can carry it out.
  • Your ideal future is imprisoned within you. The casting of a vision and the dedication to it is the only thing that will bring you closer to your dreams.
  • Real entrepreneurs don’t wait for permission from anyone or anything. They write their own permission slips and get to work.



Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg

Motivated young writer with diverse interests in life philosophy, creativity and much more. Exploratory approach to life. http://dreambiggg1.wordpress.com/