Brutal Life Lessons from the Broken Heart. Part — 2

Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg
Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2018

I started writing just a couple of days back and I wanted to write something which really matters for all of us. I don’t want to brag about myself much like “I did that thing”, “I met this guy”, ”see how cool I am”, “Look at me how much I suffered” and yadda yadda.

I do not write such types of writings. I not here to impress you. I am not here make money with those click baits.

I’m here to give you some harsh truths about life. It really ignites your soul. You will start chasing your goals.

I am not that type of guy wasting time in an endless scroll. Posting selfies or food or drinks or checked in places and waiting for claps, appreciation and likes. It really makes me sick.

I know some people cannot cop up the heat I am about to tell. They can close this right now.

1. No one likes “crybabies”

Yes, it is true. Everyone likes the happy and laughing babies. Similarly, for adults, No one likes you if you are a complainer and crybaby.

I know I told “Men cry, so do humans” in part 1. Well, I didn’t mean you have to keep crying.

Crybabies and complainers gain nothing.

She left you, fine. You know you deserve better and she lost you. Stop crying.

You didn’t get that job, Okay. Maybe some good opportunity is waiting for you. And List is endless. Stop crying.

Get up, wipe your ass and go chase your Biggg dreams. Complaining never gets you far.

No one likes a complainer and it’s only making you get stuck in your head instead of chasing your goals and doing something cool.

2. No one gives a “finger” about you

There are billions of insta profiles, fb profiles and on10 other social media and you one among them. Tell me what you are going to get if you post you are drinking coffee down the next street of your office with some nice photos of a coffee cup. If you say it is called being social or socially active, I am gonna kill myself.

Guys, No one cares. You are posting those check-in, selfies with full of filters, or some cool outfits and showcasing you are living a cool life. That’s total BS. You don’t amaze by doing such. And those photos of food too. Better eat it and enjoy your food. No need to showcase what a delicious, over priced, nicely represented food you ever had. Insta bimbos are really sick.

All we care about is what’s in it for us. If you deliver something of value, then we will all like your stuff. There’s nothing else to it.

3. People Opinions Don’t Matter

1 person can give 10 opinions about your life, 10 persons can give 100, and 100 can give a lot of opinions. Do you care for all? Will you care only for sweetest lies or bitter truth?

They can talk only in their perspective, and only up to their knowledge. They talk about their failures. They are projecting your life through their eyes. Do even care about it? NO.

The only opinion that matters is yours. If you believe you can do the impossible, then you will.

4. Waiting for the Right Time

When was the right time to invest? The answer is Yesterday.

Yes, it was the yesterday. It has already passed. No time for sitting and regret. There are no such things called right time or best time. Do it today for your tomorrow.

When I was in college, I liked a girl. I thought to propose her during the last semester of my college. I was afraid what if she may stop talking if I propose her during the middle of college days. I may lose her friendship. Finally, I did on the last day of my college I lost both.

“Whatever you do, don’t waste time seeking approval. This habit comes out of overthinking, laziness or lack of execution”


Stop being an actor. Stop pretending you don’t have problems. Be real with everybody.

Telling people you’re not okay is fine. Asking for help is the greatest gift you can have in times of pain and suffering.

If you’re hiding the real you because you’re ashamed of whom you are, then know this: you can always become the person you’ve dreamt of being.

Accept where you are and move the mountains to get where you want to be in the future. Dream Biggg and chase your goals.

Stay tuned… More incoming…

Originally published on DREAM BIGGG



Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg

Motivated young writer with diverse interests in life philosophy, creativity and much more. Exploratory approach to life.