Here Is Why Our Generation So Unhappy

Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2018

Our generation is the latest evolution. We are energetic and multi-tasking. We can understand the latest technology more than our elders. We have more opportunities than our elder generations. We just have to concentrate our energies on one thing. This will make us successful and happy.

We millennials have seen both worlds. We have seen the world with the cellphone and without the cell phone. We are the blessed kids.

But still our generation and upcoming generation so unhappy yet we have so many opportunities.

Our generation is looking to build Rome in a day, which is a great thing. Having biggg dreams is good. But we don’t know how to do it and we don’t want to listen to anyone. We think we know everything.

Our generation is less focused

The world is getting updated faster these days. That’s why our attention span is less for a particular thing. Sometimes our generation gets confused on what to do and what not to. It’s not our fault.

We are in a world where we love to show everyone what we are doing. Even if its on Facebook and sharing what restaurant we are at.

Our generation wants to do everything

Our generation wants to learn Stock Market, Hacking skills, to be an entrepreneur and marketing at the same time they want to work about other things also.

That is not possible for a human being.


Our Generation wants attention

Our Generation validation in real life hence we seek it in social media. We share things on social media and show how secure we are, and how happy we are. Our Generation post too many happy pictures on social media and watch how many people like it. They want to compete with their friends, relatives and fellow colleagues who post happier posts then theirs.

No one is going to give you attention until you do miracles (Not with magical filters). Facebook and Instagram fan pages are worthless until you make proper use of that.

Our Generation Showoff the things we are doing, Which sounds kind of silly, but our generation wants people to know that we have a fun and interesting life.

Our Generation compares

We’ve become really good at filters. Everyone’s life on social media is rainbows and unicorns. The viewers are constantly jealous and insecure because they don’t realize that they are comparing their own behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel. There is a huge hit of dopamine we get from a new text message, like, comment on a social media post.

Cell phones are destroying our life

Games like PUBG are not going to save your struggle. You have to stop giving attention to your cell phone. Whether we’re at a restaurant with our friends, at home with our family or at work in a meeting, everyone’s always looking at their cellphones. We’re never fully present in the moment.

Our generation interacts more through phones and apps than in real life. The majority of young people sleeps with their handset within arm’s reaches and checks it when they wake up briefly during the night.

Cell phones are really destroying our childhood, our adolescence, the real fun, and life.

Our Generation is afraid of missing out on information

We check our media platforms constantly throughout the day to see if someone has posted something fun and interesting. We enjoy peeping into what our friends and others are doing in their lives.

We are also a generation that has big dreams and aspirations. We want to be inspired, we follow people that we look up to and drive to do things to get us where they are. We love to be entertained.

No depth in Relationships

We’re the generation of tinder and snapchat. We want the high of relationship, but we don’t want the work of a relationship. We want the hand holding without the eye contact, the teasing without the serious conversations. We want the happily ever after, but we don’t want to put the effort in. We want the deep connection while keeping things shallow.

We don’t want relationships — we want friends with benefits, Netflix and chill. We want anything that will give us the illusion of a relationship, without being in an actual relationship. We want all the rewards and none of the risk, all of the payout and none of the cost.

We postpone happiness every time. We say when I get this, or when I achieve this then I will be happy. But that moment never comes. Why not enjoy the journey of life and maintain a work-life balance. In the end, you are working for money only which doesn’t give happiness but gives comfort. And you know that happiness and comfort are different things.

“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”

– Dale Carnegie

Originally published on Dream Biggg

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Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg

Motivated young writer with diverse interests in life philosophy, creativity and much more. Exploratory approach to life.