Why Dream Biggg ?

Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2018
Dream Biggg

People that get into the habit of dreaming Biggg will accomplish those goals because they have the right mindset. You need to look at life with the perspective that you can achieve anything that’s possible. If you can accomplish Biggg dreams, why wouldn’t you go after them? Why would you want to settle for small dreams?

The truth of the matter is that many of us give up on our dreams.

The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same.

“Dream Biggg”

There is nothing more important, and nothing that works faster than for you to cast off your own limitations and start dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that you want to become.

“You must dream Biggg dreams, for only Biggg dreams have the power to move the minds of men.”

If your dreams don’t scare you, then they’re not big enough.

The only thing holding you back from achieving them is yourself. We can be our own worst enemies in so many cases, especially when we don’t believe totally in ourselves.

It all starts with the dream.

Dreams Connects to mind

If you want to be happy down to the core, you need to become a Biggg dreamer. Biggg dreams can fulfill your soul because you have got your true purpose in life. It’s likely the biggest reason why you wouldn’t want to settle on small dreams.

Dream Biggg journey to excellence

Make that one dream your life, think of it, dream of it, live with it. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that dream, and just leave every other dream alone. This is the way to success.

Dream Biggg things

When you dream Biggg things, you open many doors. You’ll encounter a good amount of excitement as you go about life because you’ll be in adventurous and unpredictable situations. This is because Biggg dreams can push your limits and keep your life fresh.

Achieve great things

When you dream Biggg, you’ll achieve great things. You may even end up achieving more than you ever thought you could.

Dream it, you become it

If you’re a dreamer, dream Biggg and see those dreams as clearly as the light of day. Write them out in great detail. Don’t allow other people to discourage you just because your dreams are Biggg. They should be big enough to scare you half to death. That’s when you know you’ve got hold of something worthwhile.

Focus is everything

What you focus on, you get more of. No matter what it is we’re talking about in life, if you focus on it, you’ll get more of it. People who dream Biggg are focused on those dreams. They live and breathe those dreams. They have wild-eyed fantasies about those dreams coming to fruition. And, if they don’t give up, those dreams do come true because they focused on them.

Dreams changes direction of life

The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, it connects with the universe. When you dream, you hold fast to ideas that live in your conscious mind, but also find their way into your subconscious mind. When you dream Biggg, you are into ocean of thoughts and ideas. Even if, you’re poor, broke, loser or you’ve failed over and over again, as long as you can dream Biggg, the direction of your life, and its resultant outcome, will eventually change.

Quest of self-improvement

If you’re a dreamer, and you’ve set some serious goals for yourself, then work on developing a set of good habits, building a routine, and eliminating the bad habits in your life. If you want to fulfill your dreams, then it’s not enough to just envision a better life; you have to actually do something about it.

Failure is painful

Actually failures benefits in long run. You will grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally stronger. Dreamers recover from failure quicker than ordinary people. Why? Because, they dream Biggg. After the initial upset and pain wash over, they pick themselves up and brush themselves off, and they try it again. Don’t be afraid to dream just because you might fail, it will help build character and give you the tools to succeed in the long term.

Start Small

I mentioned before in many of my previous post about this, Start small. Here I will give you the clear explanation of starting small. When the dream is Biggg, we think about the mountain of the task ahead of us. But, little by little, you have small wins. One milestone here and another there adds up over time. And, eventually, those milestones start to stack up one by one, builds the momentum and eventually moving you closer to your goals.

Every dreamer knows that their Biggg dreams won’t come easy.

The master key to make your Biggg dream come true is,


Only dreaming will not make success. “Passion is what gets you started and it’s what will keep you going. Without passion, your goals become unfulfilled dreams. You give up without knowing why”

When you begin to dream Biggg dreams, your level of self-esteem and self-confidence will increase immediately. Your self-image improves. You feel more positively about yourself and your ability to deal with whatever happens to you. The reason so many people accomplish so little is that they never allow themselves to let go and just imagine the kind of life that is possible for them.

Yes, there is a long road ahead. Be ready, stay motivated, have lot of patience. Biggg dreams doesn’t comes true overnight. Biggg dreams will have small beginnings. Distance between your dreams and reality is your efforts and dedication. Remember great things take time. You can and you will. End of the story.

Dream Biggg

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Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg

Motivated young writer with diverse interests in life philosophy, creativity and much more. Exploratory approach to life. http://dreambiggg1.wordpress.com/