You Become Your Habits

Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2020
“breakthrough” — by Jill Heyer on Unsplash

The real question is: “Are you the person you really wanna be?”

The first step is not what or how, but who. You need to know who you want to be. Otherwise, your quest for change is like a boat without a rudder.

You have the power to change your views about yourself. Your identity is not fixed. It can be changed. You have a choice in every moment. You can choose the identity you want to strengthen today with the habits you choose today.

Building better habits aren’t about littering your day with life hacks. It’s not about waking up early in the morning or taking a cold shower every day or wearing the same t-shirt each day. It’s not about achieving external measures of success like earning more money, losing weight, or reducing stress. These are just momentary gains. Habits can help you achieve all of these things, but fundamentally this is not about having something. This is about becoming someone.

Ultimately, your habits matter. Because they help you become the type of person you wish to be. They are the channel through which you develop your deepest beliefs about yourself. Quite literally, you become your habits.

From the book: Atomic Habits by James Clear



Venkatesh Agnihotri
Dream Biggg

Motivated young writer with diverse interests in life philosophy, creativity and much more. Exploratory approach to life.