All About Virtual Events: Infographics

Neha Sharma
Dreamcast Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2021


Discussions around the complete transformation of live physical events into a digital space were predicted in the coming 5 years. One health crisis, and here we are hosting virtual hybrid events in full-fledge.

The unforeseen circumstances of the global pandemic have pushed organisations around the world to leverage virtual event technology. Adapting the technology becomes the need of an hour to keep the business running during challenging times. As protocols have been implied on gatherings and traveling, migrating to virtual events was the only solution to keep going. The digital innovations by tech enthusiasts prevented many businesses from dipping down as it facilitates organisations to adopt the remote working culture.

Virtual Hybrid Events: The New Normal

Today, hosting virtual hybrid events has become a new normal with the turn of events in our day-to-day life. Unsurprisingly, the percentage of the virtual event platform market has skyrocketed ever since the advent of COVID-19 in early March. An upsurge in the demand for virtual event platforms has been witnessed over the past few months. Virtual event solutions offered by virtual event platforms have become an ideal solution to transform into remote settings. However, it resulted in ensuring business growth and continuity.

The flexibility of the event format enables participants to attend the event from the comfort of their own space. Virtual events offer endless opportunities for businesses to grow and flourish enormously.

A year or two back, hosting virtual events seems like a futuristic idea. But, many are unknown about the fact that virtual events were in existence long before the halt of the recent global health crisis. As per the report by Wild Apricot, 42% of organizations were already hosting virtual events in 2019 and early 2020. There is no denying the fact, virtual hybrid events are the future of the event industry post-pandemic. Leveraging the right virtual event technology is the key to success.

In this infographic, we have covered a crisp guide about virtual events and must-have features in a virtual event platform to upscale the entire event experience.

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