Start as a DREAMER and end as an Achiever

Dreamcat Team
Dreamcatcher IT’s Blog
4 min readJan 24, 2018
Build Your Faith To Achieve Your Dreams

Do you have a dream? Somewhere you aspire to be in the future? Or something you would like to achieve and accomplish by a certain time? It all starts in the mind.

The Human Body is a funny thing to comprehend. We each have been given the privilege to be able to choose. Thus we can make a decision on whether to go right or to turn left. The same way we use our conscience to determine what to do, is the same way we use our minds to seek a dream; something to aspire to.


Everybody… dreams.

But apart from the subconscious dreams that appear only when our bodies are resting; we also have other dreams. They can be classed as visions, desires and even, fantasies; as it is something that is not yet, real.

In order to excel in life, you have to have vision.

“Where there is no vision, there is no hope“.- George Washington Carver

If a man knows not where he wants to go, what he wants to do or where he wants to be in the future; his whole purpose of life is futile. There always needs to be progress and movement; a change from where you once was and where you will be.

“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps — we must step up the stairs”.- Vance Havner

Unfortunately, there are 5 things that can hinder us from achieving our dreams.

1. Fear of Failure

It’s not the fear that we won’t be successful but rather, the fear of failure is what stops us from progressing… sometimes. Fear kills self-belief and confidence. And that all begins in the mind. Success isn’t absence of failure. Of course, everyone fails. Success is the presence of irrevocable determination to succeed despite setbacks.

Remember: Fear means “False Evidence Appearing Real”.

2. Mistakes

Sometimes, making a mistake can put you off of trying again. We can put too much pressure on ourselves to get things right and do things perfectly, that when things don’t go as planned, we can get frustrated. Frustration then turns to disappointment, not in others but in ourselves.

Tip #1: “If you‘re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes”.- John Wooden

3. Disappointment

It could be that you were nearly there. There are a lot of near-misses in life and especially, if you’ve tried more than once and keep getting knocked back down… it can become very disheartening and the thought to try again? Well, that’s just not an option any more. But in order to achieve, you have to handle disappointment effectively. Don’t let disappointment make you or stop you; you decide your fate. Never get discouraged when things go beyond your expectation. Always remember that the greatest glory in life is not winning, but rising every time we fall ~Dream Achiever

Tip #2: “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way”.- Robert Kiyosaki

4. Bad Experiences

People can let us down. We can go through some drastic and terrible things in life that can cause us to just give up on being an over-achiever and to settle for the mediocre. But for some reason, in this life; there is both sunshine and rain. In order to see the rainbow, you need both.

Tip #3: “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”.– Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

5. Doubt

Doubt is a major component to the refusal of dreams. If people doubt you, if you doubt yourself; sometimes, even if society doubts you, this blocks you from attaining anything. What makes it even harder, is when those closest to you are the ones who are doubting you.

Tip #4: Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.- Dale Carnegie

Stop Doubting! Dream It! Believe It! And Achieve It!

Everything starts as a dream. For some, a dream stays a dream, and for others, they make that dream a reality. Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them. Are you a dreamer or a dream chaser?

My question to you is… what is your dream? What are you doing to achieve it?

“Start from now, shape your dreams to come true & never-ever give up on it.”

Thank you for reading the blog.


Entrepreneur, Startup Lover, Techno freak, Workaholic, UI/UX design enthusiast, Go-Getter, Dream Achiever, Blogger

MD, Co-Founder
Dreamcatcher IT



Dreamcat Team
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