The Seven Most In-Demand Project Management Skills

Dreamcat Team
Dreamcatcher IT’s Blog
3 min readOct 24, 2017

Project management is an increasingly growing field in today’s market. With so many companies evolving at a pace that’s faster than ever before in terms of technology and customer needs, a good project manager is absolutely essential in terms of keeping up. Here are seven project management skills in high demand:

  1. Strong Leadership

According to a recent study by the Project Management Institute, 66% of organizations rank leadership skills as the most valuable trait above all other project management skills. With technology constantly changing, it makes sense. Knowing the demands and needs of today’s companies is not enough and finding technical solutions will only take an individual so far. They have to be able to take charge and demand the best from the team they’re working with and for.

2. Adaptability

Being able to change with the game is essential for successful project management. Even with the perfect plan in place in terms of mobility and process, things can easily fall apart at a moment’s notice if one element is changed. Any successful project, no matter what the industry and what types of protocol are in place needs to be adjusted from time to time (and quickly) when bigger opportunities are on the horizon.

3. Conflict Resolution

People aren’t perfect and there are bound to be a few conflicts and differences of perspective and opinion in terms of planning and execution. Project management is about not being thrown off by the disagreements. Rather, it’s about seeing them as opportunities for team building and growth. People with strong project management skills are able to do this quickly and without everyone even knowing that they’re doing it if they’re really doing their jobs right.

4. Risk Assessment

Being able to predict the worst-case scenario is essential when it comes to successful project management. Not being able to see the “what if” scenarios in advance can create major blind spots and can lead to poor execution overall. This skill usually comes with experience, but the perspective is something a good project manager must have or else that experience is worth nothing.

5. Exceptional Communication Skills

The project management field demands that the individual in charge is able to see where everyone involved is coming from — clients, employees, vendors, etc. This means they have to hold themselves to a higher standard. After all, 90% of the time, project managers are doing nothing but communicating. The back and forth is most of the job. Strong communicators make the strongest project leaders by design.

6. Organization

Knowing where everyone and everything is at all times before, during and after a project is absolutely essential in terms of project management. Without a solid foundation, truly productive improvements simply can’t happen and business evolution can come to a halt without it. Every project needs at least one rock to lean on and a solid project manager is the person that everyone will turn to time and time again. They have to have it together, even when everyone else doesn’t.

7. Negotiation

Quickly being able to come to an agreement with someone without getting frustrated or losing time or money is an art. Successful project management is about going into battle without losing anyone in the process and dealing with conflict instead of avoiding it. Having sound judgment and reasonable solutions in the arsenal are what it takes to get the job done.



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