Dreamcat Team
Dreamcatcher IT’s Blog
2 min readNov 1, 2017


Why you need a constant thirst for new knowledge?

“Let excellence be your brand. When you are excellent, you become unforgettable. Doing the right thing, even when nobody knows you’re doing the right thing will always bring the right thing to you.”

Successful people tend to always want to continue learning. It is likely part of what makes them successful in the first place. Entrepreneurial people in general and many highly successful people have an innate desire for an endless supply of information. They want to learn and discover new and different things to feed their curiosity and zest for life.

Just Because You’re Considered An Expert In Your Field, Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Need To Learn Anything More!

It is incredibly arrogant for someone who is an expert at something to think that they don’t need to learn (or can’t be taught) anything more. We can always learn something new and often, if you are open to it, you can learn something new from the most unlikely sources. Sometimes it is actually good to unlearn something.

Find Opportunities To Learn New Things

Learning should be seen as something exciting. Living a life full of wonder and a thirst for knowledge keeps you young. In fact, learning and challenging yourself through puzzles, crosswords and brainteasers, etc. has been shown in studies to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And You’ll Be Amazed At What You Learn

You would really have to go through life with blinders on in order to stop yourself from learning. We have opportunities to learn new things in just about everything we do and from everyone we meet each and every day. To shut yourself off from that and just want to stay in your comfort zone is to stifle your growth and limit your life. When you learn, you live a greater life.

Learning New Things Will Only Make You More Successful

Being open to learning new things will make you more successful, regardless of what job you have. If you manage people, then carrying this philosophy forward one step further into realizing that not only are you in your job to help teach and mentor your staff, but that you are also able to learn a considerable amount from them as well; then you are among the elite of excellent managers. It takes the strongest leader possible to know that they can learn from everyone around them and it will ultimately lead to greater success.

Fuel your passions and shatter the boundaries of your dream!



Dreamcat Team
Dreamcatcher IT’s Blog

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