How old people use Instagram

Diana Salacka
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2017

I consider myself old. Like, really. You can brag about it, telling me 28 is not a big deal, and I would honestly believe you, if it wasn’t for my little sister (19), that had to explain Snapchat and Instagram Stories to me. Taking my example, I would like to share some insights, why & how “old” people use Instagram.

Landscapes, buildings, inspirations.

Instagram is rarely for friends only, more for the general public, opposed in that matter to Facebook. You don’t really publish the same content in both places — each Social Media channel is unique and plays a different function. For me, Instagram is not a profile for instant updates, it serves more like a cloud. When I don’t have enough space & important photos gather on my iPhone, I tend to throw them on Insta, so I don’t miss the most crucial moments of my trips and venues.

Following designers & places

I honestly don’t know why I should follow Kendall Jenner on Instagram. None of her photos or products really appeal to me — I’m too old for that. That’s why I follow Ai Weiwei (artist), Tate Art Galleries or Rem Koolhaas (architect) — I am inspired by the content on their Instagram, I even feel closer to most important exhibitions and cultural live, that is going on around the world. Beautiful insights on art life are my trigger, but everybody has a passion, that can be followed on Instagram, not exactly in “look what I have eaten” or “such a nice swimming pool” manner.

Visual storytelling

Whether it’s friends story or a reportage from Donbas, Ukraine, photos can tell more than words. They make you “feel” as you are close to the crucial events & stories from your friends life, and with the aesthetics of filters, content on your feed is definitely more appealing. Same happens to your visuals — adding hashtags connects you globally and filters boost the popularity of your image, making everyday stunning.



Diana Salacka

A philosopher by passion and marketing specialist by a hobby… Or the other way around? Picking up the pace with DreamCommerce in IT updates, apps and news.