How to unsubscribe from “FREE rocking sale of your LIFE” e-mails.

Diana Salacka
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017

“What do you think is the most common thing women do, that sabotages their relationships?” — That was the title of my most bizarre e-mails, that have actually make me wonder. I have noticed, there’s no unsubscribe button, so I got into the conversation, and found out, that with one downloaded paid e-book I can find out more on most annoying practices in relationships. I’ve responded with an open source “You want stop being needy in relationships? Check out my free PDF” where I’ve described how to stop being over the top with data bases and illegal e-mail practices. No answer yet, but to be clear, I got this idea from this guy:

But, there’s nothing funny about poor designed unsubscribe call to actions or not having them at all. The best way to solve “unsubscribe” option is within the user’s respect on the request — what that means, is that the “unsubscribe” option works. Pages can deliver feedback on the “leave me alone” demand, and they often have a form, asking the user for feedback on annoying messages. Examples? The best one I’ve found is delivered by Vimeo — it’s not a clear “unsubscribe” as they know, that you probably don’t want to cancel your account, just adjust some messaging features. “Change preferences” on the landing page, with a “we are sorry” kind of message — this looks much more friendly & helps to improve newsletters in the future.

Asking your customers, why are they leaving is a key thing. Maybe the e-mails are irrelevant, maybe they come in to often, or maybe they don’t appeal with the title. That’s an important reflection on your email campaign, and you should definitely take that encounter. Also, maybe your clients and past-subscribers would like to have a different form of contact? Consider having a Facebook icon linked to your account or any other contact method that your users could choose instead of the e-mail.

Most of the countries have regulations for SPAM — those ones are very similar in US, Canada and UE, all related to 2003 CAN SPAM Act. Based on it, you can’t buy e-mail databases, send mass e-mails without permission for subscribing to the list, or not include unsubscribe option. This is simply illegal, so designing your unsubscribe page & message is a key thing not only in the eyes of the user, but law’s too.



Diana Salacka

A philosopher by passion and marketing specialist by a hobby… Or the other way around? Picking up the pace with DreamCommerce in IT updates, apps and news.