Top 5 funny startup ideas

Diana Salacka
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2016

Entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, businesspeople are all about thinking of a great idea, that will make them profit with billion dollar checks. Their mind-blowing startups have sometimes funny background to it, and we have prepared the most interesting ones, to have a laugh together.

Recycle your files & software

Instead of one bin basket, you receive four, each dedicated for files like music, documents, pictures and movies. This way you will be eco-friendly to your digital environment, and stop pollution on your desktop.

Who to avoid to stay in shape

Sickr was a tool to monitor your social network in order to search for sick statuses of your friends. A fake idea to begin with, the founders imagined that it could track your most infected social contacts and recommend avoiding them.

Tell your friends what you have

How would you like your credit card connected with your Twitter account, so every time you make a purchase, it can be twitted all over the internet? This is what Blippy — social media app — offered till May, 2011. You could instantly share the shopped items with your followers. A great idea if you want to share that your parking ticket just runned out, or you need more tissues.

Review a person, but not gossip

Described as “Yelp for people”, was a site, that you could review a person anonymously. Called the worst 2010 startup, was all about anonymous business related comments, that would be posted on the matter of a certain person.


There was an app to detect paranormal presence in your area. Like Pokemon Go, it would track the spirits’s geolocation. Ghost hunter app was designed for uncertainties on a higher level, so we leave an open question on how it would work.



Diana Salacka

A philosopher by passion and marketing specialist by a hobby… Or the other way around? Picking up the pace with DreamCommerce in IT updates, apps and news.