Why people change their hosting service?

Diana Salacka
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2016

Buying your service is just one step to reaching success. You also have turn your users to happy customers and promoters, so they will stick to you for good. The market is filled with promising hosting offers and negative comments about the services: so, what goes wrong most of the times? We have prepared a list for you, on the top reasons, why customers decide to abandon their hosting service.

Money, Money, Money…

Most complaints are connected with unclear billing process. Clients describe offers that meant to be cheaper or for free, but hidden costs popped up, just as they signed the deal. For example offers included a three months free hosting service, but lured clients had to pay a setup fee, that would cover more than three months of hosting. This creates at least a bad impression, and needs to be avoided. If you have a promotion or a really special price, make sure, your customers understand the costs coming with your offer.

Prolonging terms

Automatic prolongations might be a nightmare for your clients. The internet is howling with comments on situations, when people were overcharged, wanted to change the subscription, but ended up with the same deal or were double billed. To avoid unwanted automatic prolongations, build an email or phone call campaign, that will inform about your service endurance, offer options or call to actions, that when used can help your clients understand, what’s going on.

Hello? Can I speak to the manager?

Unsatisfied clients will turn to you with their problem and it’s up to you, how to manage their issue. If it takes to much time, your answer is unsatisfying or unhelpful — they will turn to be internet haters, and elaborate on your poor performance. This is a natural turnout. Most of the times clients write, that customer support didn’t reply on time, said the problem was on third party’s side or just didn’t know a damn thing about hosting (usually outsourced customer service). Read our article on outstanding support service, in order to keep your clients (link).


2 seconds. This is how much a site should load on average. Speed is the most wanted feature for Google Search, it is also highly related to page abandonments and time spent on site. If a loading time is too slow for your users, they will probably consider changing a hosting provider. You can either improve your upload time, or have premium packages, that guarantee a better service.

What time it is? It’s uptime!

If you wonder how to cause frustration, try putting down your client’s sites. If you offer less than 99,99% uptime, most of your users will take it out in comments and reviews. And they will be more than upset. Try to improve your service and have your customer service crew ready for the 0.1% complains — make sure that you have a clear idea on when your service will be fixed and how to prevent this happening in the future.

Additional Features

Having a look on control panels from user’s perspective might be a shock to some hosting providers. They are not intuitive, poorly supported by help centers or blog content and make an uneasy feel when it comes to setting them up. This is the reason why people would prefer an easier service, and are upset about the old one. Moreover, some hosters forget to stay on the track and do not provide additional features like website creators, e-commerce options or even Wordpress. The market is large and vast, and “not keeping up” means no business at all.



Diana Salacka

A philosopher by passion and marketing specialist by a hobby… Or the other way around? Picking up the pace with DreamCommerce in IT updates, apps and news.