Meet the Team: Line, Marketing & PR Associate— Driven by passion, running the Dreamcraft Marketing

Line Aasen
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2021

Next up in the “Meet the Team” series, we introduce you to Line Aasen — Marketing & PR Associate. Line started at Dreamcraft as Marketing & PR Assistant while finishing her Master’s degree. Now, she has moved her way from part-time to full-time and will continue to handle our marketing and PR activities as well as build our Dreamcraft brand.

Line has always had a great interest in startups. She was fascinated by the drive of founders and their courageous mindset. Line also loves to see ideas come to life and to sketch down prototype drawings that one day, perhaps, could turn into a successful business.

For as long as I remember, I have had a note book for drawing and writing down ideas. I think I was inspired by my dad who is a real-life Petter Smart (Gyro Gearloose). My note books have been filled with everything from a dog shower to magnetic clothing.

Foto: Lars Just

Along side her passion for inventions and entrepreneurship, Line also found another passion when she started playing tennis at the age of eight.

With her passion and hard work, she was awarded an athletic scholarship to play college tennis in the United States. The destination was set to New York City and Queens College. Here, she studied media and entrepreneurial business, while playing for the college’s tennis team for four years.

After her American adventure, the next destination awaiting was Copenhagen where Line continued her studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Management while working at a marketing agency. At the same time, Line started to explore the many corners of the Danish startup ecosystem.

She started her ecosystem journey in Denmark as a marketing intern in the startup Airofit. Then, she continued by working with the event Days of Impact at DISIE, and most recently worked at Global Startup Awards with strategic and event marketing.

The fast pace, small teams and brainstorming workshops with founders further sparked Line’s interest in the startup world. It was time for her to combine her passion with her marketing skillset.

The VC part of the startup ecosystem was yet to be explored by Line and when the opportunity came to work with marketing and PR for Dreamcraft Ventures presented itself, she was quick to make the decision to say yes. Line was the first functional hire at Dreamcraft as a student assistant and has now moved her way from part-time to full-time as part of Dreamcraft’s Support Team.

At Dreamcraft I am surrounded by great team players who I enjoy working with every day. Here, I get to combine my passion for helping founders with my marketing skillset, which I love.

Foto: Lars Just

At Dreamcraft, Line is now responsible for marketing, PR and investor relations activities, which includes everything from creating content for our channels to planning our bi-annual Dreamcraft Forums for our LPs. Recently, her biggest project was to rebrand from our old name to Dreamcraft.

With the whole rebranding journey, I really had to step up my game. I believe we have found a name and a brand that just hits what we stand for. It is all about finding a passion and a dream, and then you have to have the crafting part no matter if you are on the tennis court chasing the dream or in the office building your dream.

Now, Line’s focus is on building the Dreamcraft Universe and its brand in the Nordics and expand our footprint in other parts of Europe.

While on a busy schedule, Line still finds time to enjoy some time on the tennis court. The sport taught her to work hard and be determined. It has without doubt contributed to push her to realize her dreams — both on the court and in the Dreamcraft office.

If you wish to get in touch with Line, feel free to reach out at

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